Weight Loss Coaching - Overcoming Excuses

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Overcoming Weight Loss Excuses

In order to overcome your excuses for not losing weight, take these steps:

Overcoming excuses

Here are some details about each step.

Why do you want to lose weight?

Figure out the most important reasons you have for losing weight and never let them go.

Find out where you are now by checking your BMI calculation

Yes, I know! We hate this statistic. But check it anyway and learn the truth of your situation.

Identify your excuses

Pay attention to your life and find out what is stopping you from reaching your goals. Here is a good line to listen for:

I want to do XXX, but I can’t because YYY.

YYY is your excuse. You will have a lot of them if you start listening for this phrase in your mind.

Learn and apply strategies to beat your excuses

Tackle each one of your excuses and figure out how you can overcome it. Then start trying as if your life depends on it.

Find and build on your strengths

Notice which of your strategies is working and keep doing it. Do not be discouraged by your failures. Learn from them instead. If you fail with one strategy, try it again, or try another tactic.

Never give up on yourself

The cavalry is not coming. You are the only person who can help yourself out of this mess. Other people have done it and you can too.

Action Step

Start journaling about your weight loss efforts. You can do this simply at the start. Just get any type of notebook and start keeping notes about your progress and thoughts. You can use your word processor or even blog about this with ulogs by @surpassinggoogle if you want to be public about it.

The outline of my weight loss program for you includes these topics:

  • Overcoming excuses
  • What are you eating now?
  • Winning the Food Fight
  • Exercise Effectively
  • Clean up the rest of your life
  • Rest, recover, regroup
  • Becoming the new you

Today we started tackling weight loss excuses and we will be continuing from here. I have already written a whole book about weight loss excuses and I highly recommend it. You can take a look at Chapter One for free and see if it might be helpful for your efforts.

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My post today is for the steemiteducation tag. This is a great place to teach others what you know. Go on over to the @steemiteducation blog, follow directions, and start posting there too. We want to learn from you!

If you would like individual and private weight loss coaching, I can help you. Contact me and lets get this party started!
fitinfun You can do it if I did! sharon before and after.jpg

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