📷 Steemit Photo Challenge #6 — MEGA POST — WINNERS GALORE! | Aug. 25 - 28 | Guest Judge @dercoco!

How did you all like that one?

I think it went swimmingly! There certainly were a lot of entries this time!

There were 240 submissions to the tag over the weekend, 331 images.

We noticed something this week, however, that some images uploaded to imgsafe.org were being compressed. As such, they could not be awarded due to the low quality result! Consider hosting your images with Steemimg.com and linking the high res files.

Because we had so many entries, and because the price of Steem is so low, I've got more to go around!!!

So here are

@jamtaylor's Picks — 10 Steem each

You may have realised from previous Challenges ("shadows", etc) that I really enjoy high contrast black and white images. Thankfully we've had other judges to balance out my bias! :P

by @shieha Submission

by @movievertigo Submission

by @litrbooh Submission

by @theyam Submission

by @dbutkovic Submission

by @cloveandcinnamon Submission

by @webdeals Submission

OK I need to stop myself before I run out of Steem :)

This week we had guest judge @dercoco selecting the winning entries. Great job!

I'm sending @dercoco 50 SBD as a token of thanks for his time and effort. I'll see if I can make this a new SPC custom!

Honourable Mention — 10 Steem Each

by @daveks Submission

by @shieha Submission

by @coliraver Submission

Third Place — 50 STEEM

by @amartinezque Submission

"The dark and tranquil theme goes very well with this photo. The strong use of complementary colors by embracing the warm orange with cool blue makes this picture a true eye catcher. Because the picture is angled across the shore, it encourages me to imagine strolling along the beach, barefoot, placing fresh footsteps into the untouched sand." - @dercoco

Second Place — 100 STEEM

by @nighthawkdive Submission

"At first, this picture looks like a long exposure picture. But the still leaves made me question that. The exif tells me that it was shot with 1/1600th of a sec! Truly astonishing how a lake can really be without any ripples. The reflections are beautiful and the framing with the foreground is also very nice. The sky is a bit blown out, but because of all the darker clouds, that doesn't really affect the overall quality of the picture." - @dercoco

First Place — 150 STEEM

by @stansmith Submission

"This picture has everything. The composition has three clearly defined levels of depth which all have to offer a different treat for your eyes. In the foreground it's the beautifully lit bare rock with patches of grass. The valley clearly separates the foreground from the middleground, which in contrast to the bare foreground, is full of trees. The fact that the trees are still in the shadow of the sunrise makes the overall feeling very calm and interesting. In the background you can see inversion clouds gliding over mountains on the left side with a hint of the sunrise on the right side. The light use of vibrance makes me want to step in to the picture instead of just looking at it." - @dercoco

What do you think of the picks this week?

If you don't see your images here, don't be discouraged! There's just so many amazing images to choose from. This might have been the biggest one yet!

Thanks to our sponsors, @berniesanders, and Steemimg.com the first dedicated Steemit Image hosting website, created by @blueorgy.

Give me some suggestions for next week's theme!

What would you like to see from the Steemit Photography community??

Steemit Photo Challenge Week 1 - Animal Portrait
Steemit Photo Challenge Week 2 - Shadows
Steemit Photo Challenge Week 3 - Desolation
Steemit Photo Challenge Week 4 - Nature Macro/Closeup
Steemit Photo Challenge Week 5 - Emotive Human Portrait


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