European Thursday: The Captivating Beauty Of Lake Baikal, Siberia

I am entering this photograph for the 7 World's Continents Photo Challenge: European Thursday. The highlight of my trip to Siberia was the captivating beauty of Lake Baikal. It is the largest freshwater lake in the whole world. My wife Roselind and I spent one night here and there our time there, we managed to visit various parts of the lake. One of the most famous landmarks of Lake Baikal is the Burkhan Rock which is a "two headed" rock as can be seen in the above picture.

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Positive Reflections: Being Clever Is A Gift, Being Kind Is A Choice
My Trans-Mongolia Railway Pictorial Journey Part 3: From Intriguing Irkutsk To Magnificent Moscow
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Good Is Not Good Enough If You Can Be Better: 7 Steps Towards The Best Of You

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