Steemlords #Steemph: Deveerei, The Avatar (Chapter 2: 3 Valars Summoned!)

To find the path to CAMELOT thou must make haste - for the day of the solar eclipse is near.
Head East to the nearest port and set sail across the great Belgaer Sea to MIDDLESTEEM.

The journey of Eru's Avatar continues on.

"Belgaer Sea? And Middlesteem? Are those hidden villages that I must find?", @deveerei continues to wonder, and also wander. He is, in fact, not of this world so everything Middle Earth is alien to his thoughts and understanding. There are similarities too, but mostly, just differences.

"Anyways, I just have to get there first to finish this mission. Hopefully there are no enemies around here.", he hoped.

He walked for another mile or two when he stumbled upon a door in the middle of a grassy plains. Just a door. Nothing else. No walls. Just the frame of the doorway, hinges, the actual door, and a funny-looking knob. He opened in and it looks like the inside was located in yet another dimension.

He went inside out of curiosity and probably walked another mile deep into a forest flanked between 2 ridges of what looked like a mountain split in half. At the end of the ridge is a ruin of a shrine. The stoneworks are still recognizable, with their details intricate and beautiful. @deveerei went closer to it and found a book. Dusty, but intact. It looks brandnew, and is even gold plated. "The Valars: Summoning", that was the book's title - it was not readable, but he understood it - it was written in some kind of ancient or alien language. He kept the book into a learning scroll and signed a technique for learning. He was able to digest everything into his soul. The book became part of him, and all the secrets in it.

What are The Valars? What good is summoning them do for Eru's Avatar?

Avatar @deveerei learned of the Valars, the Powers of this place's god (Eru The Iluvatar). He learned how to summon them using his brush and scroll. He learned of their powers and what good they are to him. His more confident now more than ever, that he can complete this quest assigned to him!

"That book was very useful. I wonder if I can handle the powers that comes with it. I have heard this saying that with great powers comes great responsibilities. This could be a drag though, I don't like being responsible for stuff, I just want to get this thing done with!", he kept talking to himself until he went out of the door portal when he noticed someone hiding behind a huge tree trunk. He activated a technique to expand his senses' sensitivity, with his amplification, he 's now aware he's been surrounded by around 20 enemies.

However, this silly ninja was wrong, it was just 2 enemies that's lurking behind. It seems he encountered the twin travelers, Knights Sir Pheli ( @phelimint ) and Sir Silvernova ( @silvernova ). Still thinking it was 20 powerful enemies, he summoned 3 Valars all at once! Draining most of his strength, he knelt down the ground in exhaustion and his vision almost fail, with everything so blurry all he can see were shadows of the 3 Valars he summoned (good thing he did not die, summoning a Valar needs a life force of one person, 3 will require life forces of 3 people; it's a good thing Eru's inside his being and Eru contains unlimited life force, so the only damage done to @deveerei were minimal compared to what will happen if he's just a normal wizard-ninja).

3 Valars were called forth: Este, Nessa, & Tulkas!

  • Estë the Gentle, Lady of Healing and Rest, and spouse of Irmo.
  • Nessa, the Dancer and spouse of Tulkas.
  • Tulkas, the Wrestler, the Champion of Valinor and last of the Valar to come to Arda.

Tulkas throw a fit and rampaged, he was fast asleep when he was summoned and he could be grumpy when he just woke up. He was very strong and fast, he has no weapons, no dragons, no steeds or any rides. He threw a punch into the ground resulting in a quake and a dirt tsunami. The 2 knights were caught off guard by these powerful beings, they went up in the air, almost 100 feet high. Without their dragons, they will fall to their death!

The 2 knights fell to their death and was burried underneath all the rubble. Tulkas realized he's not in Ea anymore and was schoked by the result of his punch (Ea was denser so his punch will not damage the terrain that big, the residents of Ea are also stronger than those in Middle Earth and will not even be grazed by the punch he threw). He was shocked. He looked at Nessa, his wife, who was also summoned in this place. Both of them then disappeared into dust, no words from their mouth, only expressions of surprise from their faces.

Este, remained, she looked for the bodies of the 2 knights then held them close to her chest. She's a healer! What of good fate. Este revived Sir Pheli and Sir Silvernova. She also went to Deveerei to restore his health and replenish his strength. Este knew who Deveerei was, but she did not say a thing, much like what Nessa and Tulkas did. She disappeared in a dust of gold.

To be continued...

Shoutout to Este and Nessa, @immarojas and @luvabi respectively. I've introduced your characters. Join the fight. Journey to Camelot as a Valar or devolve into an Avatar like what I did with mine.

Thanks to @phelimint and @silvernova, I've featured your characters here. Sorry for killing you right away. It's not funny I know, but I had to show everyone the powers of The Valars of Ea. And the reason why my powers were suppressed. I'll include you in the next chapter, where we 3 would wake up at the same time and possibly form new friendships! We can gift you a dragon you know.

For those who would like to join and choose the LOTR theme as well, but doesn't want to be Elves or Valars, you can check out this tree:

Click for full image.

Read the first call by Eru!: The Elves

Read the 2nd call: The Valars

Read the Eru's Introduction

Read: The Avatar Chapter 1

Source Images: Click-throughs - Credits to Owners | Source Story: Eru | Valars

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