Steemlords #Steemph: Eru, The Iluvatar -- Introduction

Source: Wikia

Who am I?

I am Eru, The Iluvatar. Supreme deity of Arda, and the Valars are also my creation. I am the creator, the giver of sapience. It's just that I love delegating my work to other people. For that purpose I have made the Ainur to take care of things for me.

The Music of Ainur (by mirachravaia) has made creation possible:

Create and sing!
Your mind has wings from Music wrought
In an eye's blink to being brought in Timeless Hall
What you can think to the last dot, that I will call to make a world
The horse's trott, the fir-trees tall, the heat and cold
The creatures small, and big and bold
Just as I've told:

                                                                              Eä! Be!

The Valars (poetry by everild-wolfden) are also doing the same:

Manwe, Lord of sky and air,
King of Eagles, tall and fair,
Ruler of the Valar royal,
To Iluvatar he remains loyal.

Elbereth resides with him,
Silver'd hair, tall and slim.
She is the Maker of the Star,
She hears all, near and far.

Wrapped in majesty and power,
Robed in earthly tree and flower,
Green her eyes and slim her girth,
Yavanna brought forth the forests in birth.

Aule wrought first the Dwarven folk
In secret, but Illuvatar spoke:
"'Tis not their time - they must keep,
And under mountain must they sleep."

Ulmo is the King of the Sea,
And mariners bow down to he.
His horns sound in the deeps and foam,
Calling Elven stragglers home.

Mandos is the Speaker of Doom,
Gathers dead spirits in his room,
In the House of the Dead he abides,
To Iluvatar only he confides.

Nienna the Weeper is his kin,
Pity she is, and welcomes in
Any who are in need of hope,
Those who mourn she helps to cope.

When Orome the huntsman rides,
All evil creatures before him hide,
Loved by horsemen near and far,
He rides his steed, the silver Nahar.

Melkor last 'who arises in might'
He it was whom the Valar did fight.
His is the realm of darkness and cold,
'Morgoth' he's named - 'the enemy of the world'.

I have been portrayed in different ways, the first photo in this post is my least favorite. Why am I just a man with an outline? That's too simple for an Iluvatar like me!

I did journey a lot into different realms and parts of Middle Earth to find portrayals that would definitely suit me. Please take note though, that I don't look like anything at all, I am transcendent, I can be anything you wish me be, I can look like a wonderful creation or an abomination. It all depends on the eyes that imagine what they see.

I look like this most of the time.

However, to some people, I'm fabulous as shit.

I am a Creator

I make dragons.

I make humans.

I make mechanical beings.

I make tons of stuff I can't discuss all of them here becuase my blog post will be too long

More info about Eru here.

That will be all for now. Enough with the introductions. I will be summoning myself as an incarnate, I will send myself into the Middle Earth and journey as @deveerei, a wizard-ninja hybrid adept in summoning creatures from magic and from paintings he creates. His powers are going to be suppressed to not overwhelm you guys, but do not take him lightly. He will venture into the depths of Middle Earth and claim Excalibur from Camelot and be titled the Lord of Steem!

Stand by for the next post: Dev, The Avatar.

What is an Avatar?

It is a manifestation of a deity or released soul in bodily form on earth; an incarnate divine person.

For those who would like to join and choose the LOTR theme as well, but doesn't want to be Elves or Valars, you can check out this tree:

Click for full image.

Read the first call by Eru!: The Elves

Read the 2nd call: The Valars

Source Images: Click-throughs | Source Story: Elves | Eru

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