Steem Monsters Common Card Fantasy Story Contest! // Week 11

Steem Monsters Common Card Fantasy Story Contest!


This is my entry to the Steem Monsters Common Card Fantasy Story Contest! // Week 11 // 10 Booster Pack Prize!, hosted by @steemmonsters.

Courageous Crocus

It was not the shrieks of my family that made me think something was amiss. No, it was the black smoke that drew my attention. The smell of burning cedar filled the air and I knew that the conflict with the Night Bloods had come to a head.

It was then I wondered if the Flame Bloods would ever stop causing trouble. It was a fleeting thought. I knew our breed of bird was too vicious a species to ever obtain peace. That was the life I lived as part of this aggressive brood and for many years I watched the turmoil.

My name is Crocus, and I live in the Cinder Territory with the other Flame Bloods, a cluster of red Giant Rocs established in a massive colony near the outskirts of the Red Splinter. For ages we had conflicted with the others and at that time I couldn’t remember when there had been peace among the different tribes. Granted, I did hear tales of an era when all the Rocs were one.

This time, my tribe was at war with the Night Bloods, a population of Giant Rocs the color of the darkest night. It started with a disagreement between the brood’s chiefs and escalated to full-scale war as the moons went by. The Night Bloods attacked us when we slept, took our treasures, and kidnapped our young. They had finally given up on the trivialities and set their minds on the destruction of our home.

As I gathered with the others of our tribe to discuss our options I was filled with sadness and despair. It was true I had initiated many of the fights with the Night Bloods my age, but in all honesty, it was merely in good fun. We never did anything to harm them, only played tricks.

Setting ablaze the land near our colony was more than a trick and far worse than any vehement tactic the Flame Bloods would ever embrace.

The Cinder Territory became thirsty in the hot summer sun and it would not be long before the engulfing flames swallowed the colony whole. Among the chiefs and younger generations, I was but one humble bird and I felt there was nothing else to be done. The tribe spoke of relocation and escape, and a few agreed to fight the fires before they reached us.

I was among the ones who volunteered to help fight the fires. The thought of losing our home was heartbreaking and I couldn’t bear the thought. Instead I focused on bringing containers of water from the nearby Calmblaze Lake to the flames and tried my best to stop the impending doom of our land. The heaps of water didn’t seem to be enough and despite all our efforts the flames proceeded to grow.

Some of the Flame Bloods tried using their wings to move the blazes. They’re theory was if they could redirect the flames, the fire would change course. This we found was a very bad idea as the winds from their wings only fed the flames and made matters worse. After many days of fighting the Flame Bloods grew tired and the life of the fires progressively raged.

As the other Flame Bloods gathered their treasures and their young to make way out of the Cinder Territory, I soared high above the land toward the tallest cedar to consult Redwing. My grandfather was the wisest Roc I knew, and I had not seen him as of late. My family talked of his elder years saying the wind was about to depart his wings. I had avoided saying my goodbyes thinking I could stop time by doing so.

Redwing was alone in his nest and beamed when I approached. He was growing older. His feathers had turned a lighter shade of red and his eyes were bloodshot from the tainted air. At this height I could see the devastating view of the fires traveling toward our home. The black smoke reached the farthest mountain and covered every inch of the sky. I knew at that moment leaving the Cinder Territory was our only option.

“Crocus my boy. Have you come to try and save me?”

“I was hoping to save us all Grandfather. But we have failed in our efforts. Do you not wish to leave?”

Redwing nodded. “I am torn between living in a new home or dying in the place I love.”

The disappointment in my grandfather’s voice deepened my despair. I thought for sure he of all Rocs would have the solution to our dilemma. Understanding completely, I bowed my head in defeat. “If there was anything to be done I would save our home. But the flames are too strong for us to fight alone.”

I looked up to see Redwing’s eyes brightened. He plucked a feather from the top of my head and then smiled. “Maybe there is something that can be done. All is not lost my child. Sunblaze will know what to do.”

“Sunblaze the Ancient?” I asked. I had never in my flying years known of a time when the Flame Bloods called on their Ancient. “I didn’t think I’d see the day when we needed to seek the help of the world beyond.”

“Calm your feathers.” Redwing said and then lifted the quill to the wind.

He called out in a cry I’d never heard before. I was frightened and mystified at the same time, watching as the sky before us was awakened.

Sunblaze the Ancient appeared before us in all his glory. He was the most impressive Roc I’d ever seen. His feathers of gold shined in the sun and his eyes glistened like sparkling emeralds.

“Why have you beckoned me Redwing?” He screeched, floating above us and looking down in an unacquainted manner.

“I am sorry to disturb you Ancient. I have called you on behalf of the Flame Blood Tribe. Our home has been threatened and we seek your help.” Redwing explained.

Sunblaze looked on unimpressed, as if we’d annoyed him with our pleas. “What you are asking is impossible. The Flame Bloods have brought on this destruction by their own actions. If I save you now, the fighting will continue. It is your nature. Nothing I do will change your fate.”

I stood in amazement as the grand Giant Roc of the Ancients turned his unsympathetic eyes, as if the matter had been settled.

My grandfather rested his eyes and whispered, “I understand.”

“No!” I screamed. “This is our home. The Flame Bloods have never stooped as low as the Night Bloods. We have never threatened any home of any Roc tribe. We are the sufferers. Surely, as a wise Ancient you can see that! Will you not have mercy on your offspring?” My blood boiled with anger. How could this supreme being look away from us and allow this tragedy to take place among the Rocs?

“You are courageous Crocus. I see that you are fervent. I watched you fighting the fires and I am impressed by your passion. But if the Flame Bloods refuse to choose peace over conflict your fate will never change.”

“What if the Flame Bloods promise to stop fighting? What if we could bring peace to all the Rocs?”

Sunblaze released a deep laugh filled with disbelief. “The Flame Bloods have never been at peace with any other Roc tribe. Not since the Splinter. You cannot promise an Ancient something you cannot deliver. Don’t be in debt to me, if you are not certain.”

“I am a Roc of the next generation. We don’t all share the troublesome thoughts of the older breeds. I am confident I can convince the Flame Bloods to agree to peace. We are not as dreadful a breed as the others and we will prove this to you.”

“Crocus you have entered into an agreement. Seek out Vardaman the Boundless in the Fields of the Tribal Giants. Tell him if he helps the Flame Bloods, his debt to me is paid. Be warned if you fail in this promise I will not be kind to the Flame Bloods.”

I bowed my head, now feeling the weight of my decree. “We will not disappoint you Ancient. You have my word as a Roc. The Flame Bloods will make amends.”

Returning to the Flame Blood colony I screeched the cry of alarm bringing all the Flame Bloods from their roosting. I explained the decision of Sunblaze the Ancient.

If we were to save our nests we had no choice but to settle this war with the Night Bloods and declare peace among the tribes. The future of the Flame Blood population and the preservation the Cinder Territory depended on us keeping our word to the Roc of the Ancients.

It was decided by the Flame Blood chiefs this conflict was over. They sent the packed treasures along with a peace treaty to the Night Bloods in hopes to resolve the fighting between the tribes.

Most of the Flame Bloods promised to cease their engagement in the war and live peacefully among the other Rocs. This was asking a lot from such a malicious crowd, but to my amazement, many of them were relieved the end of the fighting had come and vowed to do their best to save the home they loved.

Before dawn I traveled with some others to the Fields of the Tribal Giants to find Vardaman the Boundless and offer him a way out of his debt. I didn’t know what this debt entailed, I only hoped that the obligation was high enough Vardaman would consider helping the Flame Bloods.

“You have given us a great offer young Roc,” Vardaman said after I explained our troubles. “You have our support. I will send my multitude of elephants to Calmblaze Lake. Those flames will not travel any further. Although I am sorry to hear of your troubles, I am happy to aid and be free of our debt to Sunblaze the Ancient. It has bound us for eternities.”

Vardaman’s gaze drifted as I assumed the debt carried some difficult memories. After a moment of silence, he continued speaking. “Carry my children above the flames, they will extinguish the fires, and all will be well for the Flame Bloods.” Vardaman said, and then slowly turned and walked away.

I flew back to the tribe and ordered every capable Flame Blood to assist in the fighting of the wildfires. By morning light, we had assembled an impressive army of both Elephants and Rocs. One after another the elephants filled their trucks full of water. Each Flame Blood lifted an elephant and flew them above the fires. The elephants released the lake’s water, sealing the ground and the wildlife around it from destruction.

It took many hours of effort, but in the end the fires were put out. I assembled a search party to be sure no wildfires remained. The Flame Bloods thanked our elephant friends and celebrated our new peaceful existence. It didn’t take long before the Flame Bloods calm deminer and new-found generosity gave us a superior reputation among the Giant Rocs.

We were considered favored by Sunblaze the Ancient after that day and over time the violence between all the Giant Rocs lessened. You can now find Giant Rocs of many different colored feathers, as the line between the tribes has been erased and the bloodline of the Flame Bloods is now considered fortunate.

My only hope is that the peace remains throughout the Giant Roc tribes, for I gave my word to Sunblaze the Ancient and I intend on keeping it. While I soar the skies of the Cinder Territory I keep watch over the land with extra precaution. I’ve become a chief of the Flame Bloods in charge of fire protection and I train the others on the skill of putting out fires- both in the Cinder Territory, and among the Giant Roc tribes.

They call me Courageous Crocus and I live up to the name.

The End

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