今天是最後一篇的和歌山遊記, 將會寫熊野市的幾個神社跟景點!
Today I am going to share my last travels in Wakayama,
will include some shrines and spot in Kumano!!
Those shrines and spots have reli nice view,
and also convenient for self-driving tour!
首先, 我們離開了白浜以後, 就一直往東面走!
到了熊野第一個景點就是熊野本宮大社跟大齋原鳥居! 這個神社也是要走樓梯到本宮, 但相比四國的金刀比羅宮輕易多了!
木造的本宮好美, 有金造的屋頂裝飾!
然後我們就到了對面的熊野本宮大社的原址(1889年時發生了水災), 看了日本最大的鳥居-大齋原鳥居! 鳥居大得我在下面拍照像小人國的人一樣...(下面的照片..找到我嗎?!哈哈)
走到鳥居的路上, 兩邊都是稻田, 好美麗的風景配上宏偉的鳥居, 拍的照都好滿意!!!
We kept going to east side after we left Shirahama!
First shrine we arrived was Kumano Hongu Taisha and Oyunohara! This shrine also need to walk upstairs to Hongu, but it is comparatively easier than Kotohira-gu Shrine in Shikoku!
Wooden Hongu is so beautiful as it have some gold decoration at the roof!
Then we went to Oyunohara that located opposite to the Shrine! This is the original location of Shrine before flood in 1889! We went there to see the largest Torii in Japan-Oyunohara Torii! Became a lilliputian when i stood under the Torii...(Can you find me in the photo below?!)
Besides, there were paddy field at 2 side of the way to Oyunohara, so the beautiful view with magnificent Torii, Amazing!
到了熊野第一個景點就是熊野本宮大社跟大齋原鳥居! 這個神社也是要走樓梯到本宮, 但相比四國的金刀比羅宮輕易多了!
木造的本宮好美, 有金造的屋頂裝飾!
然後我們就到了對面的熊野本宮大社的原址(1889年時發生了水災), 看了日本最大的鳥居-大齋原鳥居! 鳥居大得我在下面拍照像小人國的人一樣...(下面的照片..找到我嗎?!哈哈)
走到鳥居的路上, 兩邊都是稻田, 好美麗的風景配上宏偉的鳥居, 拍的照都好滿意!!!
We kept going to east side after we left Shirahama!
First shrine we arrived was Kumano Hongu Taisha and Oyunohara! This shrine also need to walk upstairs to Hongu, but it is comparatively easier than Kotohira-gu Shrine in Shikoku!
Wooden Hongu is so beautiful as it have some gold decoration at the roof!
Then we went to Oyunohara that located opposite to the Shrine! This is the original location of Shrine before flood in 1889! We went there to see the largest Torii in Japan-Oyunohara Torii! Became a lilliputian when i stood under the Torii...(Can you find me in the photo below?!)
Besides, there were paddy field at 2 side of the way to Oyunohara, so the beautiful view with magnificent Torii, Amazing!
然後我們就到了熊野速玉大社, 這神社隱藏在一堆民居之中!
速玉大社本宮的顏色是紅色, 跟正門鳥居一樣!
大社內有日本最高的樹-竹柏, 也被人認為是神樹!
因為是比較小的一個神社, 所以看了一下就離開了 :)
Then we went to Kumano Hayatama Taisha, the shrine hidden in the residential area!
The colour of shrine hongu is red, same with torii at shrine main entrance!
Shrine has the largest conifer treein Japan.
The shrine is quite small, so we just walked around and left :)
這天看完了兩個神社以後, 就去了那智勝浦溫泉, 有點舊, 但是卻很有特色!(明天的美食跟酒店會介紹一下!)
第二天, 我們就到了熊野古道, 打算步行上山到熊野那智大社!
所以走到大門坂的位置以後, 就往回走到車上..哈哈!!
然後駕車到了 熊野那智大社跟飛瀧神社看那智瀑布! 瀑布高133米, 闊13米, 遠在那智大社也能看到, 十分壯觀!!
慢慢聽著流水聲往下走到那智瀑布, 親眼看到...很好看, 靜靜的看了好久才離開 回到和歌山市!!
Visited 2 shrines, we went to Hotel Urashima Resort & Spa, a little bit old but it has the most attractive hot spring!(Will introduce in another post tomorrow!)
Next day, we went to Kumano Kodo and targeted to hike to the Kumano Nachi Taisha!
At the beginning, we were all excited to follow the quiet and beautiful Kodo and walk to the Shrine! The weather was hot and we kept climbing the stairs... when we arrived Daimonsaka, we decided back to our car and drive to Kumano Nachi Taisha and Hiro Shrine in order to watch the Nachi Waterfall!
The height of waterfall is 133m and width is 13m, can see it clearly from Kumano Nachi Taisha, a spectacular view!
Listening the sound of water flow and walked down to the waterfall, felt so relax! Saw the waterfall for long time and back to Wakayama shi!
第二天, 我們就到了熊野古道, 打算步行上山到熊野那智大社!
所以走到大門坂的位置以後, 就往回走到車上..哈哈!!
然後駕車到了 熊野那智大社跟飛瀧神社看那智瀑布! 瀑布高133米, 闊13米, 遠在那智大社也能看到, 十分壯觀!!
慢慢聽著流水聲往下走到那智瀑布, 親眼看到...很好看, 靜靜的看了好久才離開 回到和歌山市!!
Visited 2 shrines, we went to Hotel Urashima Resort & Spa, a little bit old but it has the most attractive hot spring!(Will introduce in another post tomorrow!)
Next day, we went to Kumano Kodo and targeted to hike to the Kumano Nachi Taisha!
At the beginning, we were all excited to follow the quiet and beautiful Kodo and walk to the Shrine! The weather was hot and we kept climbing the stairs... when we arrived Daimonsaka, we decided back to our car and drive to Kumano Nachi Taisha and Hiro Shrine in order to watch the Nachi Waterfall!
The height of waterfall is 133m and width is 13m, can see it clearly from Kumano Nachi Taisha, a spectacular view!
Listening the sound of water flow and walked down to the waterfall, felt so relax! Saw the waterfall for long time and back to Wakayama shi!
오늘은 마지막 와카야마 이야기예요, 구마노의 신사와 구경지를 몇 개 소개 할거에요! 신사의 풍경도 좋고 운전 여행도 많이 편리해요!
우리 시라하마에 떠나가고, 동쪽으로 갔어요!
구마노 도착하자마자 구마노혼구타이샤와 오유노하라 오도리에 보러 갔어요!
이신사도 계단을 올아가야되는데, 고토히라구 신사 보다 이곳에 더 쉬워요! 나무 만든 혼구와 금으로 만든 지봉 장식이 너무 예뻐요!
그 후에 우리 신사 맞은 편 구마노혼구타이샤의원본 사이트 (1889년 때 홍수를 이 곳에 왔어요),
그리고 일본 제일 큰 오도리-오유노하라 오도리 보러 갔어요! 저는 오도리 아래에 사진을 찍고 릴리펏 인 처럼 보였어요!(아래에 사진에 나를 찾았어??)
오도리 보러 가는 길의 두 쪽은 다라이스 필드예요! 아름다운 풍경과웅대 한 도리, 사진이 아주 마음에 들어요!
다음, 우리 구마노하야타마타이샤에 왔어요, 이 신사는 여러 주택에 숨겨져 있어요!
구마노하야타마타이샤 혼구와 도리는 빨간 색이에요! 신사 안에 일본 제일 큰 나기노키가 있어요! 하야타마타이샤는 조금 작아서 우리 그냥 보고 떠나갔어요!
다음 날에 우리 구마노코도 왔어요!월래 코도에 산책하고 구마노나치타이샤에 가고 싶은데, 코도는 너무 아름다웠지만 날씨가 더워서..30분 후에 못 참았어요! 우리 차 돌아가고 운전하고 갔어요!
우리 구마노나치타이샤와 나치폭포를 봤어요! 폭포는 높이 133m, 너비 13m, 구마노나치타이샤에서 볼 수 있는 정도로 스펙타클이에요!
和歌山旅遊指南/Wakayama Travel Guide
和歌山遊記 (2)/Wakayama Travels (2) ulog#012
和歌山遊記 (1)/Wakayama Travels (1) ulog#011
金刀比羅宮及男木島遊記/ Kotohira-gu Shrine & Ogijima Travels ulog#010
高松遊記/Takamatsu Travels ulog#009
德島遊記&美食推介/Tokushima Travels & Restaurant Recommendation ulog#008
松山遊記/Matsuyama Travels ulog#007
廣島美食推介/Restaurant Recommendation in Hiroshima ulog#006
廣島遊記/Hiroshima Travels ulog#005
東京遊記&美食介紹(2)/Tokyo Travels & Restaurant Recommendation(2) ulog#004
橫濱 鎌倉 江之島遊記/Yokohama-Kamakura-Enoshima Travels ulog#0003
5月兩日一夜輕井澤遊記/ 2days 1night trip to Karuizawa in May ulog#002
東京美食推介/ Tokyo Restaurant Recommendation ulog#001
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