和歌山美食及住宿推介/Restaurant & Accommodation in Wakayama ulog#014

今天要說的是- 和歌山美食及住宿推介!!
現在想要介紹一下 :)
Today I am going to share -
Restaurant & Accommodation in Wakayama!!
I was very lucky to stay in nice hotel and ate many delicious food!
Let me introduce to you now :)


1.Hanatemari (花てまり)
Address: 和歌山縣和歌山市友田町 3-96

這家營業到凌晨3點的烏冬店, 賣的是家庭味! 小小的店只有10個座位, 深夜也座無虛席!
This udon restaurant open from 7pm to 3am, the udon is delicious! There is only 10 seats in the restaurant, and full house even in mid-night!

2.Umeya (梅屋)
Address: 和歌山縣和歌山市美園町 4-43

這家居酒屋在酒店附近, 價錢合理!! 食物新鮮好味道, 主要都是本地打工仔下班後來喝一杯, 屬於比較地道的餐廳!
This restaurant located near my hotel, reasonable price! Food were fresh and delisious! It belongs to local restaurant as most of Japanese business men came here and grabbed a drink after work.

3.Tore Tore市場(とれとれ市場)
Address: 白浜町堅田2521

在白浜的Tore Tore市場, 定時會有即場解吞拿魚, 解了以後還可以立刻買到想要的部位! 旁邊還有很多店鋪賣不同的魚類跟壽司刺身!
Tore Tore market located at Shirahama, some shop arranged tuna cutting section and we can choose the part we part immediately during the section!
There are many shops and sell different type of seafood, sushi and sashimi! We bought from the shop and enjoy those food at the dining area!

4.Sumibiyakinikubin (炭火焼肉-備)
Address: 和歌山縣和歌山市美園町 5-7-10

真正炭火燒肉,牛肉質素很好! 我們叫了一盤這樣的牛肉, 也叫了牛舌! 味道超好, 根本不用調味 :)
我們吃了都覺得十分滿足! 比起一個價錢吃到飽, 我們更喜歡這樣點著吃!!
Grilled Meat by charcoal, the quality of beef was so nice! We ordered a beef platter, also beef tongue! Taste was amazing and don't need any seasoning :)
Felt so satisfied after this meal! Compare with buffet style meal, we like to order sth we like and with good quality!!


便利店好吃的甜品, 記得要去買來試一下呀!
Desserts in convenience store! Remember to go and try!!

Kagome vegetables smoothie, a box can fulfill the fiber we need a day!

Delicious Peaches!

Delicious Sashimi rice!


1.Dormy Inn Premium和歌山

這酒店在和歌山市, 有溫泉, 房間挺大! 早餐選擇不少還很好吃!!
在這家酒店住了3個晚上, 每天去泡一下溫泉, 好舒服!
Dormy Inn Premium Wakayama located at Wakayama shi, have hot spring, room size is big enough for 2 luggages! Breakfast have many choices and delicious!
Went to enjoy hot spring everyday when I stayed in this hotel at first 2 nights of trip and last night of trip!


從官網借來了照片, Source已附上!
Photos source mentioned above.
2.浦島飯店(那智勝浦町)/Hotel Urashima Resort & Spa

浦島飯店已經歷史悠久, 雖然裝修跟外觀都有點舊舊的, 但那個在洞窟內的溫泉, 真的會讓人感到十分輕鬆!
住溫泉飯店, 當然要選和式房間!
Urashima Resort opened for a long time, although the outlook and decoration is quite old style, the cavernous hot spring could help you forget this feeling!The hot spring can make you feel relax!
To stay in the hot spring resort, definitely need to choose for the Japanese style room with Tatami.


從官網借來了照片, Source已附上!
Photos source mentioned above.


Address: 和歌山県西牟婁郡白浜町1698-1

位於白浜, 當你車到停車場時, 員工已經會出來迎接你!帶你到大堂的位置, 準備辦入住手續!
所有住客都可以選一件你喜歡的浴衣, 在酒店範圍穿著!
房間類型好多, 我們選了中間級別的和式房間
房間有獨立的小溫泉, 房外的風景會讓你十分放鬆!
溫泉有分男女, 還有混浴!! 那天我們大早就去泡混浴, 那個混浴溫泉的風景...真是讓我十分難忘!
This hot spring resort is my STAR recommendation!!!!
Located at Shirahama, when your car arrived car park, the staff already ran out to welcome the guests and guided us to the reception area for check in!
Each hotel users can choose one favourite Yukata to wear in hotel area!
They provided many room types. We booked middle level Japanese style room
Individual hot spring included in the room, and the view outside could make you feel relax!
Hot spring separated in Male, Female and Mix Bath! We went to Mix bath in the early morning and the view of bath is really spectacular and unforgettable!
For meal, they served eye-catching and good quality dinner and breakfast! Let's take a look for below photos!

!steemitworldmap 33.673107 lat 135.334339 long d3scr

所有照片如非特別註明, 全部都是我自己拍攝
All photos were took by myself unless it specially indicated "SOURCE"

和歌山旅遊指南/Wakayama Travel Guide
Dormy Inn Premium Wakayama
浦島飯店/Hotel Urashima Resort&Spa

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Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://yanyanbebesteem.000webhostapp.com/2018/08/%e5%92%8c%e6%ad%8c%e5%b1%b1%e7%be%8e%e9%a3%9f%e5%8f%8a%e4%bd%8f%e5%ae%bf%e6%8e%a8%e4%bb%8b-restaurant-accommodation-in-wakayama-ulog014

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