“Girls can enjoy football matches: Russia 2018 World Cup-Group C” | 「女孩子也能看懂的足球比賽:俄羅斯2018世界盃-C組」⚽🏟

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Today, I will introduce Group C to all of you. The 4 countries in group C include Australia, Denmark, France and Peru.


Tim Cahill

Massimo Luongo

Mathew Leckie

Australia, joined Asian Football Confederation in 2006, was one of the strongest teams when comparing with other Asian teams. Australia has participated in the World Cup 5 times in history. The coach is Bert van Marwijk. The most famous player is Tim Cahill. He is 38 years old and scored 50 goals for Australia already. And I want to recommend a talented player, Massimo Luongo. In addition, I choose Mathew Leckie to be the most handsome player of Australia national football team.
Some of the Australia players play in Australia and England football club, but many talented players born in Australia chose to represent other countries rather than Australia. Tim Cahill is still the man who take the responsibility to lead the team regardless of his age.

澳洲在2006年加入了亞洲足協,成為了亞洲區其中一支強隊,在歷史上曾打進5次世界盃的決賽周。主教練是Bert van Marwijk,隊內的頭號球星是Tim Cahill,他今年已經38歲了,國家隊生涯中為澳洲奉獻了50個入球。另外我為大家推介一位潛力球員,名為Massimo Luongo。我額外挑選了澳洲國家隊中最英俊的球員,名為Mathew Leckie。 大部份的澳洲球員都效力於澳洲與英國的球會,但近年許多誕生於澳洲的潛力新星都選擇了代表其他國家,而未有選擇代表澳洲出賽,因此老將Tim Cahill依然要肩負帶領澳洲隊征戰世界盃的重任。

Christian Eriksen

Kasper Dolberg

Jens Stryger Larsen

Denmark, has participated in World Cup 5 times in history. Denmark won the UEFA European Championship in 1992. The coach is Åge Hareide. The most famous player is Christian Eriksen, a creative and clever player. And I want to recommend a talented player, Kasper Dolberg. He is only aged 20 and have great sense in scoring. In addition, I choose Jens Stryger Larsen to be the most handsome player of Denmark national football team.
Most of the Denmark players play in European football club, but they lost their super striker, Nicklas Bendtner, who injured during training a few days ago. Denmark have to find a reliable replacement for Nicklas Bendtner in this coming week.

丹麥在歷史上曾打進5次世界盃的決賽周,並於1992年嬴得代表歐洲最強國家隊的歐洲國家盃。主教練是Åge Hareide,隊內的頭號球星是Christian Eriksen,是一位擁有創造力與踢法聰明的球員。另外我為大家推介一位潛力球員,名為Kasper Dolberg,他只有20歲,卻擁有敏銳的射門觸覺。我額外挑選了丹麥國家隊中最英俊的球員,名為Jens Stryger Larsen。 大部份的丹麥球員都效力於歐洲的球會,但這次世界盃他們失去了首席射手Nicklas Bendtner。他在最近的訓練中不慎受傷,無緣2018世界盃,因此丹麥必須在這星期裡找到替代Nicklas Bendtner的可靠人選了。

Paul Pogba

Kylian Mbappé

Olivier Giroud

France, has participated in World Cup 15 times in history. In 1998, France won their first World Cup Champion which was held in France. In 1998, Zinedine Zidane was in the team, and he was one of the most talented players in the football history. The coach is Didier Deschamps. The most famous player is Paul Pogba, a talented and strong young player, who made a world record transfer fee of £89.3 million. And I want to recommend a talented player, Kylian Mbappé, played with speed and great skills. In addition, I choose Olivier Giroud to be the most handsome player of France national football team, because of his cheerful smile.
All of the France players play in European football club, and they have world-class player in all fields. Many medias predict France will advance from Group C and win Russia World Cup at last, Good luck to France!

法國在歷史上曾打進15次世界盃的決賽周,並於1998年嬴得他們第一個亦是唯一的世界盃冠軍。那一屆世界盃正好在法國舉辦,當時陣中更有世界足壇歷史中最具才華的球員Zinedine Zidane。這一屆法國隊的主教練是Didier Deschamps,隊內的頭號球星是Paul Pogba,一位非常有潛力與強壯的球員,他的身價非常高,擁有著8930萬鎊的轉會費紀錄呢!我額外挑選了法國國家隊中最英俊的球員,名為Olivier Giroud,因為他擁有迷人的笑容。 所有的法國球員都效力於歐洲的球會,而且在每一個位置上都擁有世界級水平的球員,因此許多媒體都預測法國可以在C組出線,而且最後會捧起2018世界盃的冠軍。祝願法國國家隊取得成功,也讓我們拭目以待吧!


Paolo Guerrero

Christian Cueva

Miguel Trauco

Peru, has participated in World Cup 5 times in history. Peru fighted hard to beat Chile and New Zealand, appear in the group stage finally. The coach is Ricardo Gareca. The most famous player is Paolo Guerrero, the most important striker for Peru national team. He scored 34 goals for Peru already. And I want to recommend a talented player, Christian Cueva, a reliable player in controlling the tempo. In addition, I choose Miguel Trauco to be the most handsome player of Peru national football team.
Most of the Peru players play in South America football club, and the coach usually uses fixed squad to ensure the camaraderie of the team. Paolo Guerrero almost being banned in international football match because of using illegal drugs, at last he appealed successful and could play for the team. Hope Paolo Guerrero can keep his good form in the World Cup.

秘魯在歷史上曾打進5次世界盃的決賽周,而在晉級小組賽的過程中,艱苦地淘汰了智利與新西蘭。主教練是Ricardo Gareca,隊內的頭號球星是Paolo Guerrero,曾為智利射入34個國家隊入球,是隊內最重要的射手。另外我為大家推介一位潛力球員,名為Christian Cueva,負責控制球隊的攻守節奏。我額外挑選了秘魯國家隊中最英俊的球員,名為Miguel Trauco。 大部份的秘魯球員都效力於南美洲的球會,教練在平常都會使用固定的首發陣容,以保持球員之間的默契。首席射手Paolo Guerrero曾因懷疑服用禁藥,被判禁止為國家隊出賽。幸好最後他上訴成功,獲得為秘魯出戰世界盃的資格,在此希望他能保持良好的比賽狀態出戰世界盃,不被早前的禁藥風波影響。

The @blocktrades World Cup | My selections⚽⚽

And last two days, I introduced some basic information about group A and B of the Russia 2018 World Cup. If you are interested, you are welcome to visit this link :
“Girls can enjoy football matches :Russia 2018 World Cup-Group A” ⚽🏟

“Girls can enjoy football matches :Russia 2018 World Cup-Group B”⚽🏟




I will introduce Group D tomorrow, hope you will enjoy my article!


In order to enjoy the competitions, I decided to join @blocktrades World Cup tournament, which is managed by @anomadsoul and @acidyo.

These are my picks for the group stage of the @blocktrades World Cup.
If you want to join the World Cup 2018, please click here :
Join the @blocktrades World Cup | 2,000 SBD in Prizes!

感謝 @travelgirl提供活動相關介紹的中文版 👇🏻👇🏻:

參加 @blocktrades世界杯 | 有機會贏 2000 SBD 獎池!

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“Girls can enjoy football matches :Russia 2018 World Cup-Group B” | 「女孩子也能看懂的足球比賽:俄羅斯2018世界盃-B組」⚽🏟


“Girls can enjoy football matches :Russia 2018 World Cup-Group A” | 「女孩子也能看懂的足球比賽:俄羅斯2018世界盃-A組」⚽🏟


The @blocktrades World Cup | My selections⚽⚽

「你是你本身的傳奇 - You are still legend」⚽⚽


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