"If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water."
- Loren Eiseley -
The prompt word is "water."
But what can you say about that magical, universal substance in a 50 word story? How can anyone do it justice?
Over, under, around, and through... - Image courtesy of frank mckenna
The Blessing of God We All Share.
Vapor, liquid, crystal, solid, universal solvent.
Three quarters of our planet. Two thirds of our body.
Quenching thirst, cleansing, soothing our every breath.
Skate on it, chill our drinks, preserve our lunches.
Swim in it, surf its waves, rest in its chuckling, roaring sounds.
Irreplaceable. Magical. The stuff of life.
you can still reward it: CLICK HERE.
Swim in it. - Image courtesy of Chris Kristiansen
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I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about them all.