UNPROVEN Chapter Twenty "It Sure the Hell Isn't"

If you're loved by someone, you're never rejected, decide what to be and GO BE IT
-The Avett brothers


Recommend Reading Introduction to Unproven


Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three

Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six

Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen Chapter Seventeen Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Twenty minutes later he pulled up to his gate and nodded at the security as they let him through. He drove up the winding driveway then veered onto the manicured grass, following a path around the estate that ended near the back entrance. He jumped out of the car and went around to her side, yanking open the door and lifting her. As he went through the door he threw his keys to a startled maid. “Take my car up front,” he ordered.

He brought her up to his room through a series of backstairs that he hadn’t used in years, and by the time he deposited her on his bed she was struggling to get her bearings.

Ary squeezed her eyes shut then opened them again fighting off a bout of dizziness. “M’ sorry,” she slurred, “drank too fast.”

“Equals drunk too fast,” Grayson stated as he sat beside her.

She blinked at him then laughed weakly and nodded. She grimaced as another bout of dizziness struck, bringing with it a wave of nausea. “Oh God, I think I’m gonna…,” she clamped her mouth shut.

Grayson saw the color draining from her face and sprang into action, hoisting her into his arms and running for the bathroom. He put her down on the rug in front of his toilet and flipped the lid just in time, pulling her hair away from her face as she emptied the contents of her stomach. When the last of the heaves had passed he left her kneeling there and crossed the tiles to his Jacuzzi style tub, turning on the water, and as he watched the basin fill the whole situation suddenly struck him as hilarious. Never in his life had he watched somebody puke let alone held their hair for them, in fact if anyone had asked if he could ever see himself doing that he would have laughed in their face.

He was smirking as he shut off the water and crossed back to her. She looked up at him, her eyes clearer than they’d been a few minutes ago and filled with misery.

“I’m sorry, I’m a terrible date,” She muttered.

He grinned and crouched next to her. “Nah. Come on, let’s get you out of those clothes, a bath will bring you back to a hundred percent.”

She smiled weakly and let him pull her to her feet. He handed her a bottle of mouthwash and after gargling away the taste of vomit she felt steadier but still pretty foolish as she pulled off her shirt and unbuttoned her shorts, wriggling them off.

Grayson paused with his shirt halfway over his head to stare at her. He cocked his head and raised a brow, his lip twitching. “That’s your bathing suit, huh?”

She looked down at herself and nodded, biting her lip in embarrassment.

He breathed out a soft laugh and dropped his shirt on the floor. His boxers went next and he stood in front of her gloriously naked, his penis waving at her like a banner. For a moment she just stared at him, admiring his muscled frame, finding it hard not to feel inadequate in comparison.

He was waiting expectantly and she knew she had to strip, but the idea of standing nude in front of him in all the bright lights was making her nervous. You’re being silly

Ary, she inwardly scolded, he’s already seen you naked.

Grayson divined the reason for her hesitation and pulled her into his arms. “Don’t be like that, you’re beautiful,” he said firmly.

She flushed and let him help her out of the suit. When it was off he cupped her breasts, his expression darkening into something that made her stomach flutter.

“Beautiful,” he repeated, then scooped her up, startling a laugh from her. He deposited her into the tub and slid in behind her pulling her into his lap and wrapping his arms around her, his hands lightly massaging her breasts. He kissed a trail down the side of her neck and she shivered despite the heat of the water.

“I’m really sorry about the party,” she started but he placed a hand over her mouth and spoke softly in her ear, his voice lightly teasing.

“Don’t be, I’m not. This is a much better date as far as I’m concerned.” He pumped his hips into her backside for emphasis and she giggled.

He turned her head toward him and kissed her lightly. “Feeling better?”

“Much. I still feel a little funny, but I think because I drank it so fast then hurled it all up it didn't have a chance to completely absorb into my bloodstream.”

He nodded and said, "That'll happen," then kissed her again more deeply, turning her around in his lap until she was straddling him. He nudged against her entrance.
“Guide it in,” he coaxed.

She reached down between them and wrapped her hand around his thick length then opened her legs wider and arched her hips, pressing the tip of him inside.

“Oh yeah, that’s it,” he groaned, his head falling back against the edge of the tub.

She let go of him and grabbed his shoulders, pressing down, feeling him sink in deeper. She experimentally squeezed her inner muscles then let go. He made a noise of approval so she did it again, at the same time sliding back then forward. The water made it impossible to increase the pace and she suddenly wanted out of the tub, wanted to ride him hard. In an out of character moment of brashness she leaned down and told him that.

Grayson choked out a laugh and gathered her into his chest. “Wrap your legs around me as I stand up,” he whispered.

He stayed inside her as he walked dripping across the floor, his cock pulsing with excitement. When he got to the bed he gripped her ass with both hands and knee walked them to the middle before flipping onto his back. “Fuck me like you want to,” he commanded.

Oh God he feels good, Ary thought as she sat astride him, her hands pressing down on the muscles of his abdomen. She began to pump, slowly at first then faster and harder, her breath coming out in little pants. The orgasm hit her without warning and she cried out as her inner walls squeezed and released. The look of pure ecstasy on his face catapulted her straight into another one, this time so strong it stole the sound from her cries.

Grayson held off, shaking with the effort of it. When her hips finally slowed he flipped her on her back and grabbed the sides of her face, crushing his lips against hers as he thrust, pushing his tongue inside and devouring her mouth. He rode her so hard their flesh slapped together with each stroke, his climax building into something that scared him. Just as his cock thickened he felt her sail over the edge once more.

“Ohhh fuuucckkk,” he yelled at the ceiling as his back bowed. “Jesuuusss,” his voice held a desperate edge as her inner muscles milked him hard, sucking the come from him like a vacuum. He was still spurting when he dropped down and took her mouth once more, swallowing her cries as he breathed his into her.

When it was over he bent his head forward resting it on her chin as he tried to catch his breath.

Ary brought her hands up and tangled them in his gorgeous hair her thoughts an incoherent jumble. She had come so hard that she’d literally seen stars, spots of light distorting her vision. And the multiple orgasms had the bonus effect of removing all lingering ill-effects of the alcohol she'd consumed. Judging by the way he’d arced and shouted she hadn’t been alone in it. The thought made her grin in triumph, for a beginner it seemed she was not half bad.

“Is it always like this?” She asked.

He brought his head up and looked down at her face. “No,” he answered honestly, still breathing heavily, “it sure the hell isn’t.”

She smiled happily. “I wonder why it is with us.”


Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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