Jumping My Highest To Grow My Tallest During The New Year's Eve

Yeah, it's hours later and it'll be "Babam ~~ babam~~ time", here and am posting?!

Yes, I'm looking forward to welcoming the 2018 so am now wearing something with pockets and polka dots filled with bitCOINS (lol) to welcome it with a Bam! Okay.. you know am JK right? Lol.

If you think greeting the New Year's Eve finished with fruits, coins and polka dots in my country, you're so wrong. Kids would have probably jumped their highest on their beds in the Philippines last night because it's already 2018 in the East isn't it?

What is this another BS am writing about, ya' asked? When I was young I was made to jump my highest on New Years Eve for the very simple reason that doing so would make me grow taller. Don't ask me why cause I forgot to ask my folks why when I was a kid. I just did as I was told .


I started doing that when I was three. As soon as the clock strikes 24:00 I remember stretching my hands to be pulled up and down on both hands when I was three. I guess I was brainwashed pretty early (shys).

Year after year, I did that diligently, without even asking whether our clock's time is on time or advance or late.

The scene at home back then was ... before midnight, every kid in the living room's staring at the clock. Probably seconds before 12 on my digital watch, we'll start jumping up and down and the better if you do that from the table top or any surface higher than the floor, cause the higher, the taller you'd grow they said. Don't forget, I have to do that while letting the coins jingle in my pockets.

I remember doing this till I was 16 because why? Petite is cute but tall is tall and everyone wants to be tall or chances are you get teased; "pandak" meaning "shawty". I did it till 16 cause another brainwashing was done to us being told that you stop growing at 16.

Did it work? I'm still 5'2 and my youngest sister's probably not even 5 feet so be my guest (wink). Anyhow, it was fun and still fun to recall!

You a Pinoy? Shout out in the comment if you'd dare admit that you made your kids do this hours ago and that your parents made you do this as well on New Year's Eve and 15% flag if you insist it did make you grow taller.

Well, that flag part is a joke. I wish you all a Blessed 2018! Cheers!

This content's 100% mine. I drew the pic above on my Note 1 and polished it in paint.

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