Dackel and Friends Planning a Jailbreak

Dear Bahbahra,

We are so sorry to hear about Birdy and Stripy Cat being locked up in that mean person's jail in Lisbon!! People are so mean! Why do they like to lock us up?

We are glad that you have a nice Human to live with and we are going to join you in Lisbon!


And we are trying to figure out where in the world that is!


We think it is on the other side of the ocean. From the United States - that is where we live now. It would have been a lot easier to get there from Germany!


We know it is going to be a long trip!! But this time, we are going to take a boat! Much better than swimming all the way. And we are going to take food.


I think this might be okay. What do you think Susie? And Hasi, can you live without a carrot for a little while?


I can carry one in my mouth and still carry Hasi on my back and Susi can carry lots of food on her back. When we meet you, Bahbahra, we share some with you. It is very good!!


Hasi is always so tired. We asked her to stay home, but she is scared alone. So, we take her along.


But sometimes, she has really good ideas. She said that we need a rope to be able to climb up to where Birdy and Stripy Cat are locked up. when we free them, they can also climb down the rope.

She is clever, that Hasi - when she is not asleep.


Good thing that Susie can carry a lot. She is really good that way. We are going to bring the rope to our boat!

Hasi also said that we need to look for a lantern because we need to go and break them out of jail at night. During the day, it is too dangerous. Did you know that, Bahbahra?


Don't worry if you didn't bring one. This one is really big and it will give enough light for all of us.

We took it to our boat and the food too. Now, we are climbing the gangplank to board and sail away to Lisbon.


Hasi can hold the sail up while sleeping. She has talent like that. And Susi is going to hold it in the other directions. And off we sail!! Meet you in Lisbon Bahbahra.


Oh NOOOOO! Look who got on board without us noticing!


Oh well. Nothing we can do about this now. Maybe we can become friends? We shall see.

We have a long boat ride ahead of us!


Don't despair, Birdy and Stripy Cat! We are on our way!!

See you in a few days, Bahbahra.


This is my contribution to Bahbahra's Buddy Contest by@tattoodjay
click here to find out how to join


All images are my own unless otherwise cited.


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