Buddha's Hand - Monday Fruits and Veggies Challenge


Today is Monday and the lovely Lena is calling on us all to show her some fruit and veggies.

Buddha's hand is one of my favorite fruit. It belongs in the citrus family but it doesn't have any juice at all.

A Buddha's hand is a citron - only peel and flesh. And it smells wonderful!!! Actually, the fruit is often used as an offering in Buddhist temples. It looks so unusual and freshens the air.

Let me show you another one before telling you more about this fruit. And, btw. it is the middle of December and that is what the sky's look like right now. We had the driest November since 17 years and so far, no rain in December either.
Last year, we were flooded at this time. Not a good thing either...

Here is a single fruit for you.


Besides smelling fantastic, the Buddha's hand also taste very good. One way to use it is to grate the peel for Lemon zest and add it to any dish you think a little lemon flavor would enhance.

Or add pieces to soups or rice to give it a bit flavor.

This is what the tree looks like.


The leaves also smell wonderful when crushed and they make a very tasty tea!

Just boil the leaves in some water for about 10 minutes.

But now, I have to show you some more of those weird and yet wonderful looking fruits.






Today, I decided to make some candied Buddha's hand. But I have to show you that later. For now, let me show you the inside of one of the fruit.


Later, I will show you how to make candied citron - Buddha hand.

There is also a citron which looks more like a large lemon. That one is often used during a religious holiday and is called Etrog.

Different cultures use the fruit for jams, to make syrup, and for pickles.

So far, I only made candied flesh and syrup. Pickles coming soon.

If you like to read more about this fruit, here is the wikipedia entry

The Fruit and Veggies Monday is a weekly competition initiated by Lena from @lenasveganliving . It is lots of fun and you can read all about it here


All images are my own unless otherwise cited.


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