[Skydive jump] How 10 minutes destroyed my next 2 weeks, but enhanced many of upcoming years

Hello Steem Gang!

It was around 11pm and I was just surfing internet, not searching for anything special. You know, the activity we all love, just letting internet take us wherever he wants. And suddenly I've come across one of these this nicely edited videos of Dubai skydiving.

At that time, I knew I was too much of a pussy to do something like that. But suddenly, I felt like going for it...You know those boosts when you suddenly feel like you can do everything. But I knew I had like 10 minutes till it subsides - so I've quickly googled the nearest place where tandem skydiving takes place. BOOOM, 15 kilometers from my place, reservations done by call or email. Fast fast, you can really do this! Do it Martin! ...New tab, Gmail, new message, name, gender, age, ID card number, choose date....SEND!

Oh shit!

I could barely concentrate the whole next 2 weeks :D Having this in my mind all the time...night before, there's no way I can call sleep what I've experienced. And suddenly, the day D has come - with windy rainy weather. Great, they might cancel the jump because of the weather .... Didn't happen :D We came to the place and after short 10 minute briefing I found myself in some old noisy aeroplane, taking me above the clouds to the 4km height...

And then...

1, 2, 3...Jump! It felt fucking awesome. Because of that rainy weather I've mentioned, clouds were low and we've been flying above clouds for 40 seconds (out of 57). The moment of entering the clouds was really the best one, I've seen in thousand times in Superman series, when Clack Kent blasted straight through them...and now I was like him!

Did something change after this day?

Well, things have changed a lot eventually..I've changed a lot. And I think these changes would happen regardless if I'd jump or not. But it was one of those first relatively challenging things I've done in my life up to this point and always when I'm bracing myself up to take on another one (be it some hitchhiking trips, going to Pakistan for 3 months, leaving home to study abroad or first jiu jitsu training), I always tell myself myself:

C'mon, think how scared you were before that jump and how cool it actually happened to be. It's gonna be same again with this thing..

And being able to have this thought always ready in my head is a big help. So despite the jump itself is not a big deal, it actually played a big role in last couple of years for me.

Do you also have some similar event you often refer to one things get difficult? Lemme know if that's the case!

Thanks for reading!


You can find my latest posts here:

  1. DROPSHIPPING mania. How people passively earn thousands of $$$ and why I find it DISGUSTING...!!
  2. Are we getting more and more STUPID!? ...DEFENSE of 2 latest generations and the cloud storage
  3. 10minute freewrite SCHIZOPHRENIC entry - Same topic, 2 points of view, 2 entries...CHOOSE YOUR ATTITUDE!
  4. FUN FACTS & history about switching to SUMMER TIME you've probably never heard of
  5. Writing down notes after jiu-jitsu practice

Mother tongue version

Zdravim Steem Gang!

Bolo cca 11 vecer a ja som len random behal po nete. Poznate to, proste nechate internet nech vas zavedie kam sa mu zachce. No a zrazu som narazil na jedno z tych cool skydiving videi nad Dubajom.

V tom case som si uvedomoval, ze som na nieco take posraty. Ale zrazu som znicohonic zacal mat pocit, ze to dam...Taky ten typicky pocit, kedy ma clovek zrazu pocit, ze vsetko zvladne a jaky je typek. "No jasne, skocim, bude z toho paradne video, vsetkym ho ukazem, prijde uznanie, videnia na Youtube, slava, peniaze, zeny" :D Vedel som ze mam cca 10 minut, kym to opadne - preto som rychlo vygooglil najblizsie miesto kde sa skace. BOOM, 15 kilometrov od Trencina, registracia mozna aj cez mail. Rychlo rychlo, fakt to mozes spravit! ...Nova Chrome karta, Gmail, nova sprava, meno, vek, pohlavie, cislo obcianskeho....ODOSLAT!

No doriti!

Najblizsie dva tyzdne som sa nedokazal sustredit :D Stale som to mal v podvedomi...to co sa dialo noc pred zoskokom definitivne nemozem nazvat spanok. No ale zrazu. den D bol tu - veterny a dazdivy. Super, mozno to kvoli pocasiu budu musiet zrusit.... Nestalo sa :D Po prichode na letisko a desatminutovej instruktazi som zrazu sedel v starom hrkotajucom lietadle ktore ma bralo hore nad oblaky do 4-kilometrovej vysky...

A potom...

1, 2, 3...Skaceme! Bol to brutal! Kvoli uprsanemu pocasiu sa oblaky drzali nizko pri zemi a my sme stravili 40 sekund letu hore nad nimi, v nadhernom slnecnom pocasi s perinkou pod nami. Najlepsie bol moment, ked sme vosli do oblakov..V Supermanovi som to videl tisicekrat a teraz som bol superman ja!

Zmenilo sa po tomto dni nieco?

Hmm, samozrejme vela veci sa zmenilo...Ja som sa dost zmenil. Ale myslim, ze tieto zmeny by nastali tak ci tak..Napriek tomu bol ale tento skok jedna z prvych veci v mojom zivote, na ktore bolo treba aspon trochu odvahy. Odvtedy vzdy, ked sa idem podujat na dalsiu podobnu ulohu(prve vylety autostopom, rozhodnutie stravit 3 mesiace v Pakistane, rozhodnutie odist studovat mimo Slovenska, prvy jiu jitsu training), vzdy si spomeniem na tento skok a poviem si:

No tak, nebud "baba", spomen si jako si sa bal toho tandemoveho zoskoku a jake to bolo nakoniec brutalne. Toto bude presne rovnake!

To, ze som vtedy skocil a ze mam vzdy poruke tento minset bola v poslednych rokoch pre mna velka vyhoda. Aj ked nie je tandem zoskok sam o sebe nic prelomove, mne osobne pomohol "prekonat" vela inych veci.

Mate aj Vy nejaky moment, na ktory si vzdy spomeniete, ked ide do tuheho?

Dik za precitanie!


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