Alcoholic Stories #7: How to not attend school

Welcome to this series of poorly written alcoholic stories.

Previous part: Doesn’t follow a time-line, but #4 comes nearby. "Adventures of a Drunk Security Guard (part 2)"
My introduction: Introductional post to the series

Starting over again, high school for the third time

Alright having to start over again. Back in my hometown, nowhere to retreat to but at my mother’s mercy. Remember how I mentioned last time that I went to a trade school to become an entry level IT-specialist? Well I managed to transfer those 3 weeks over into “half a year of academic results” (that’s some next level social engineering by yours truly) and I got into a top trade school around this country. Couldn’t say I was too thrilled, because I never liked schools and I hated staying with my parents, but it is what it is. Better make most of it. Obviously I had fallen off my studying schedule by literally half a year so it takes me a lot of effort to recover, but I do.

Front line of the broken society

Now the new school isn’t as easy as the last one and the school was filled with your most stereotypical IT-nerds, these were all spoiled brats who where there only to study. What a waste of youth in my opinion. Out of our class of 32 fine IT-enthusiast only 6 managed to graduate, so while I have an excuse for dropping out: being a dumbass. But at least living a very adventurous life, so I can’t even imagine how stupid the other 26 people must feel having lost years of social life to only achieve nothing. There were the spoiled brats who would turn their head away even from a single stare, then there were the “bad boy” wannabes, but who obviously lacked character and experience and we even had few stereotypical “school shooters” than got bullied beyond all belief. Few nerdy women (I have a weakness for nerdy women, fyi) and a lot of bitter, sore, ancient teachers who had dreamed to become great Ivy League teachers and change the world, but have faced the reality check that they are no more capable than their other ex-soviet countrymen. Add an 30-something years of experience with outstanding ratio of only 1/5 students graduating. They hated their students, but nowhere close to the amount they hated the government, the educational system and foremost themselves.

Forming of a habit

Now, I had no problems attending school and I managed relatively fine, not ideal, but I managed. The routine was scheduled to have four 45-minute length lessons and a hour long lunch break, followed by another four 45-minute length lessons, with small breaks in between each class. Now the problem is in the hour long lunch break, namely eating takes below 5 minutes and that leaves me with 55 extra minutes of extreme boredom. I was too poor to afford a laptop at that moment so that 55 minutes seemed like a few hours. I wasn’t too social with people so usually I would just go to a nearby store, buy 2 bottles of beer and walk around, enjoy the beer and then return to school. Somehow I didn’t get caught, or more likely, the teachers just didn’t give a damn. I did once a week, twice a week… in no time I was doing it everyday, every lunch break. This lasted about 3 weeks until one of my classmates noticed that I was always wandering around with a beer in my hand.


Until one day I get approached by this one heavy metal looking, messy black hair, notably overweight, strong beard and some metal on his face guy who introduces himself as Ozzy. He proposed to join his folks, who every now and then, would drink beer behind school in their lunch breaks and being pretty bored that sounded just fine for me. Now me, I personally listen to hip-hop (go figure) and couldn’t make any sense about what’s emo, what’s metal and what’s punk. Apparently, Ozzy was none of that and gave me education about rock music and claimed he’s metal core. Alright. The rest of the group was filled with guys and girls just like him, but they all had very interesting personalities, but the problem was that the group that started out as 6 heads were dropping out of school, one by one, in an extremely rapid rate. It took less than 3 months before only me and Ozzy were left of the group - so our daily lunch routine was to drink 2 or 3 beers together, surprisingly we had a lot of common, but Ozzy, damn, this dude had legit reasons for drinking, he had grown up in a really harsh household, but I believe it is not for me tell his tale so I will not go into much depth.

Drinking frozen beer, "The Beercicle"

Winter arrived real quick and our drinking routine started getting slightly troublesome, because the beer bottles (the cheapest possible brand) started freezing up within 10 minutes of staying outside, that’s Eastern Europe for you. But we still keep at it, we usually talk about how we’ve been drinking and partying, immense amount of drinking stories to exchange and we bond over our mutual ritual. Over time we had become besties at school and we had the rep of “do not fuck with” guys, people could even sense that we were slightly dangerous. Ozzy had a bad temper and would easily threaten to cut throats and drown their relatives in their own blood. He never acted violent, but he had a special, gruesome way of phrasing words. He had his principles, I had mine, but a funny notice is that Ozzy was and still is the only person who has never managed to make me angry (over the time I’ve had developed big anger issues). This seemed wrong on so many levels, but we were attending school properly, always accompanied by heavy stench of either hungover or fresh beer. Sometimes we got weird looks from teachers, but then again, they had bigger problems on their own and we never caused any direct problems.

Now I had intended talk about an extremely heavy drinking story, but the whole school thing got into timeline. Enjoyed this shameless, weird Eastern European-themed drinking story? Stay tuned for another part, soon!

Please note that these series are no longer guaranteed to be Steemit exclusive, I might publish these on my own websites such as or so don’t instantly down-vote me for plagiarizing. Cheers!


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