The Story of My Life so Far - Part 55 - Creating a Computer Game on the Corvette Georges Leygues

This is the story of my life so far: 68 years and counting.
Prequel: A Brief History of my Family in France

The story starts here
Previous episode: Part 54

Creating a Computer Game

As I had to my disposal the computers on the Georges Leygues and the seven consoles in the CIC as displays and inputs, I had decided to create a computer game.

The game I created was inspired one of the earliest arcade video games: Pong.


Pong was a simple game that roughly simulated table tennis between two adversaries. It had been installed in various public places, such as bars, since 1972. I probably saw Pong somewhere in 1974 or 1975.

I had decided that my game would be much more elaborate than Pong and would simulate tennis (not table tennis) and played by double teems. There were seven consoles, so I could use four of them, one for each of the four players in the two teams.

The court was displayed with all the official lines of a real tennis court.


The rackets were simulated by small vertical segments that could be moved everywhere in the team half of the court.
And the ball was simulated by a small circle.

Similar to Pong, the ball was bouncing on the side of the court, the horizontal speed of the ball was increased every six bounces on the rackets an the angle of the racket bounce was depending on the area of the racket where the ball hit the racket.
The maximum vertical speed was never greater than its horizontal speed, so the maximum angle with the court sides was 45 degrees.

Points were scored when the ball was going out of the court.

A game was played in six sets. I had never heard then of the tie-break, so I did not include it in my game: you could win a game with 6 sets to 5.

For each set, the official scoring was followed (15, 30, 40, set) including the rule of the "advantage".

The current score was displayed above the court.

As I had not to my disposal any compiler of assembler, all I could do was to program the game in the machine languages.
Also, there were not many ways to input the program in the computers.

We will see how I solved these difficulties in the next post.

Continue to Part 56

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