They Didnt See It Beneath Them Chapter # 6 (Original Story)

Chapter 6: A Fast Escape And An Even Quicker Retreat

Scott got quickly to his feet, grabbing his head with his hands yelling out, “Whoa, that was crazy! I can’t believe it was so close in front of us! That’s really a Dunkleosteus!"


Gary and Trevor gave each other a puzzled look as Trevor turned to his little
brother. “That’s a ridiculous name for a gigantic, predator fish Scott. How
would you even know what that thing is?”


Gary and Trevor got up to their feet standing and Gary said, “Explain later
Scott. That Dunklo-whatever it’s called is coming back. Let’s get the heck out
of here. We’ve got the video footage we came for, and we don’t need anything
more than that. I’m trying to keep this boat intact so we can make it back to
shore. You guys hurry up and head into the cabin. Get your life jackets on just
in case!” Gary grabbed his bright, yellow life jacket from the right side
pocket wall of the driver’s seat, slipped it on and fastened it. He started the
engine again, turned the boat towards the direction of the shore and pressed
the gas pedal down to the floor. The Dunkleosteus was swimming up towards them from behind as its head surfaced briefly to look above the water and dove back beneath the ocean following the boat a little ways as they sped further and farther into the distance.

As Trevor and Scott went quickly into the cabin, Scott started to explain to his brother about the Dunkleosteus. “I was up watching one of those documentaries on TV. It was either the Discovery channel or the Animal Planet, I can't remember which. It was one of those programs. But yeah, there was this episode I saw about ancient, extinct sea creatures and carnivorous fishes that were around at the same time as the different dinosaur ages. I clearly remember seeing the fossils and the replicated model version of that Dunkleosteus we just saw! Crazy! I’m positive that’s what it was. It had the same body structure, armored head, mouth, jaws, teeth…everything was the same as I remembered. Well… Actually, the teeth are a direct
extension of the jawbone, so they aren’t really teeth; they are more like connected bone, armor-like scissors. It has arguablyone of the top two strongest bite forces in the animal kingdom, even stronger than a T-Rex’s bite! Could you imagine that thing being a dinosaur?!


The only thing that is different is that the one we just saw is slightly longer in length, and much wider in size than I remembered it to be from the show."

Trevor interrupted Scott, “Yeah, but they’re extinct, you just said it yourself. It has to be something else.”

“No, that’s definitely what it is. Trust me bro, I remember. Anything is possible to be alive, especially if scientists say we haven't even explored more than 90% of the ocean. Who knows what else is out there. I’ll show you when we get home…If we get home…hopefully…” Scott’s voice trailed off into a mumble.

Gary had the wind blowing in his face as he sped further and further away, and
he kept searching on each side of the boat for any signs of the massive fish. We could really use a speedboat right now... Gary thought worriedly.

Two hundred feet away, the Dunkleosteus was cruising almost at the same speed of the boat, precisely whipping its tail side to side, propelling itself forward like a high tech, stream-lined submarine. It was stalking the boat
again, and was gaining on the three men very quickly. Within a matter of seconds, it was side by side with the boat, observing the underbelly of the boat. It couldn’t smell any more fish chum or blood on the boat, because the waves were washing it all off as the boat sped faster towards the shore.


Gary looked to his right side and saw the monstrous Dunkleosteus next to the
boat and yelled out, “Oh! Hey! Guys! Grab on to something! It’s swimming right next to us!!!”

Gary was getting nervous because there wasn’t much he could do. He couldn’t
push down any further on the gas pedal, the boat was going at top speed, and he couldn’t grip the steering wheel any harder either, because he was using his
full strength to stay focused and keep his composure together.

Trevor and Scott looked through the cabin windows staring at the bulky body of the colossal fish next to them, and it made the boat look like a mature, great white shark does in comparison to a fully-grown, mature killer whale. In simple terms, the Dunkleosteus was longer, heavier, taller, and much wider than their boat.

Their boat was a mere twenty-four feet long, and the Dunkleosteus’s length was
thirty-seven and a half feet long to be exact. Gary was biting his lip, still
nervous, wondering what the fish was going to do. Was it going to ram them from the side, tipping the boat upside down? Was it going to start biting the sides, or attack from beneath again? What if there were more than one nearby? They wouldn't be able to tell the difference right away...


He kept staring at it swimming along side of them, and they were only nine more minutes away from reaching the shorelines.

The Dunkleosteus was preparing to bite the underbelly of the boat, but
something caught its eye. It was a quick movement, a few hundred feet away from the Dunkleosteus and the boat. It also could smell a change in the surrounding waters. The Dunkleosteus maintained its speed with the boat, but was watching its surroundings more warily around itself. Something big was circling the Dunkleosteus and the boat from far away. Extremely big, even bigger than both the Dunkleosteus and the boat combined.

The Dunkleosteus is a top predator who is at the top of the food chain, but has
only one other adversary and rival in the vast oceans across the world…


The Dunkleosteus picked up on a certain electrical charge in the water and
identified the other larger creature as its competition. Whatever was stalking
it, was fast.

The Dunkleosteus had seen a blur of grey flash past itself nearby and a swift motion of the larger creature swimming closer to it and the boat, moving like an elite jet plane underwater. The Dunkleosteus made a quick decision right then and there to retreat.

Gary, Trevor and Scott were still staring at the Dunkleosteus from the boat and
watched the massive fish make a ninety-degree turn to the right and kicked its
enormous tail side to side creating a mini wave that hugged the side of the
boat as it sped off in a hurry, diving deeply. It left so quickly plunging down
into the depths disappearing into the darkness,

hoping that whatever was out there hunting, would be attracted to the boat instead of itself as the prey.

Gary, Trevor and Scott were relieved and puzzled as to why the Dunkleosteus
took off so quickly. But they were only five minutes now away from the
shoreline and the water was getting clearer. They would soon be at the docks
and live to tell another story and sighting of the great Dunkleosteus, but they
werent aware of the other larger predator that was in the waters around them

The other monstrous creature was swimming and prowling around and began to turn away from the boat. It was hungry and couldn’t find any nearby whales or Giant Squid to feast its teeth into.

Giant Squid and other multi-legged and armed giants were a particular favorite because it meant that Sperm whales were always nearby hunting squid as well. It could hunt two different meals in one attempt.

The massive swimming giant still had the scent of the Dunkleosteus and decided that it would be its new target, so it continued to follow the Dunkleosteus’s scent trail. It hoped to eventually catch it off guard as it stalked it in complete stealth…

Thank you for reading Chapter 6 in its entirety, I hope you enjoyed it so far.


Written By Verbal D & Co-Inspired By My Lil’ Bro Jacob

All Gifs Used From

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My very own wonderful gif logo provided to me by the generous and kindhearted @papa-pepper Thanks again very much!

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