Beautiful streets of Barcelona and bye-bye Steemit :)



On the picture is just sooo many things. I wish I had a better camera there as I'm no @phortun, who can make a great picture under any circumstances :D On the picture is the monumental fountain in the Plaça Espanya,designed by the architect Josep Maria Jujol, one of Gaudí's main associates.

Two obelisks in the back are called Venetian Towers as they totally resemble the tower on the main square in Venetia. And the big building in the back is The National Museum of Catalunya.

I know, there's important architecture pieces overflow here :D Also, check some pics online as there are many with the same composition as mine but much better quality :D

Bye bye Steemit

Well, I was thinking about it for some time, but after yesterday I guess it's the time. It's time to service with my laptop. I need a new ventilator and want to upgrade my RAM as well. I believe I could do it myself but as I have a thesis defense soon, I don't want to fuck up my PC :D Sooo yeah, I won't be posting anything for several days I guess, will be back soon tho! :D Got ya? :P


Na obrazku je proste az moc vela veci :D Dost ma mrzi, ze som so sebou nemal lepsi fotak, kedze niesom @phortun a nedokazem spravit mega foto hoc aj s mikrovlnkou :D Na foto je fontana Plaça Espanya, navrhnuta jednym z najblizsich Gaudiho spoluplacovnikov, Josepom Maria Jujolom. V zadu stojace dva obelisky sa nazyvaju Benatske veze, kedze maju rovnaky design ako ta velka veza na namesti v Benatkach. No a ten veliky "hrad" v pozadi je Narodne muzeum Katalanska

Tak tak, na foto je proste overflow dolezitych peknych budov :D Na nete inak najdete omnoho krajsie fotos rovnakou kompoziciou, tak nevahajte googlit, neurazim sa :D

Bye bye Steemit

Uz som nad tym dlhsie a vcera sa to fakt zlomilo. Je proste cas ist...s notebookom do servisu. Potrebujem novy ventilator + chcem aj zmenit RAMku. Predpokladam, ze by som to teoreticky zvladol aj sam, no kedze mam za par tyzdnov obhajobu diplomky a rozbehat ju v novom prostredi by trvalo hoooodiny, radsej volim bezpecnu cestu pomoci profesionalov :D Takze par dni postovat nebudem :D Dostal som Vas? :P

First picture is also my entry for today´s #streetphotography contest hosted by @juliank.

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. Our soul-soothing trip to Upper Austria + tiny things matter the most :)
  2. They say that dogs copy owner's character, now I BELIEVE this (+ 2 totally CUTE DOG pics :) )
  3. [Funny story] Omani guy finds sports motivation in the middle of Barcelona
  4. WOOHOO!! Elon Musk on Joe Rogan Experience!!! - 3 hours in 10 minutes summary
  5. [DTube Vlog #13] Helping my father SAVING THE LAST GINKO TREE in my hometown
  6. I freaking LOVE my Sunday EGGS!! .. or .. don't take camera to the kitchen! ** photo-recipe **
  7. Transparent-Discord-Travel.png

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