Curation - MyJuniors MakeMeSmile Week 8 / 第八期 MyJuniors MakeMeSmile 合集

Wednesday it is again... Time flies... Yes, Team Malaysia have been having a crazy April with many many events happening. I haven't been able to join all the events... just a few of them I managed to join... Monday night was when we bid farewell to our lovely @yasminep. That event is surely a MakeMeSmile event. And I am sure all of us enjoyed ourselves very very much. Especially we need to thank our awesome generous @kevinwong who treat us to dinner. That was a total surprise, most of us never know he will be joining and none of us would have expected to be treated by him either. Totally a great MakeMeSmile moment for all 14 of us. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Here're some of the post recap of that event that I managed to find.
@kevinwong -->Dinner & Drinks in New World Hotel PJ
@yasminep -->Steemit farewell! Thanks for having me #teammalaysia (/the search for love for @zord189)
@aaronleang -->Yasmine's Farewell Dinner Gathering Teaser Update
@digitalmind -->Thai Spring roll, anyone ?
@littlenewthings -->At Fa Ying
@bitrocker2020 -->Our Little Farewell for @yasminep

光阴时间。又是星期三了。又是时候来个一星期回顾MyJuniors + MakeMeSmile部落格了。非常感谢经常使用这两个tag的朋友们。没有你们,就没有这合集。感谢你们愿意和我们分享你们的微笑还有骄傲爸比妈咪的时刻!爱你们哟!还有还有,四月份大马队一点都没有闲着。几乎每一个星期都有活动。就在前两天我们为@yasminep饯行。饯行派对来了14人,我们没想到@kevinwong会抽空出席,更没料到他竟然请我们吃晚餐!对我们13人来说,那确实是值得微笑的一晚。吃吃喝喝,说说笑笑,感情增进了不少。谢谢Kevin!!!既然这是合集,为Yasmine饯行的部落格,我个人认为都符合了MakeMeSmile的标准,因为都是装满了爱和微笑的回忆。所以我在此也把我能找到的部落格列下来,供大家阅读。
@kevinwong -->Dinner & Drinks in New World Hotel PJ
@yasminep -->Steemit farewell! Thanks for having me #teammalaysia (/the search for love for @zord189)
@aaronleang -->Yasmine's Farewell Dinner Gathering Teaser Update
@digitalmind -->Thai Spring roll, anyone ?
@littlenewthings -->At Fa Ying
@bitrocker2020 -->Our Little Farewell for @yasminep

Let's start with the curation series... (Click on the image to visit the posts.) To support all other posts under these tags, please visit MyJuniors and MakeMeSmile



@prch and his little one share with us their train tracks. Really love how the daddy and son team up to build the awesome train tracks and have a fun and educational moment together! / @prch和儿子联手把玩具火车铁路搭好,过程中爸比和儿子还一起学习和火车有关的知识。

Ten year old Zeph, @mini-zephalexia, proudly presented us with his favourite hotdog. / 十岁的Zeph在妈咪耐心教导下成功的完成了自己爱吃的热狗烹饪的任务。

@itrmarcusliew shares his son's planting experience. / @itrmarcusliew和我们分享了儿子种植小麦草的经验。


@heartscally, Can I have one of this please? Look at the salmon and the fish roe!!! / @heartscally,我在流口水了。这篇部落格简直就是个美食诱惑!

@iamjadeline, I guess most of the mommies feel you... Little ones really can find FUN from anything... / @iamjadeline, 相信天下妈咪都能感受到你的无奈,不过小朋友就是小朋友,不论在什么状况下都能找到娱乐自己的方式。

Thanks @williamsyee for bringing us back to the MakeMeSmile memory! Even though I am not there physically, but I can feel the MakeMeSmile moment too... Look at the durian! OMG... Look at the food!!! And look at the SMILE on the faces in the photo... / 感谢@williamsyee带我们走入记忆隧道。虽然我人没参与那场活动,但从你的部落格可以感受到大家的心情。还有那些食物,又是一个美食的诱惑。。。我饿了!!!哈哈哈。。。

Here's some statistics on both the tags for MyJuniors and MakeMeSmile. Thanks to @superoo7 for the awesome bots in Team Malaysia Discord.

接下来要感谢@superoo7 为我们制作了很多很厉害的bots。所以我们可以看看过去七天用了MyJuniors和MakeMeSmile tag的朋友的资料。

If you want to know more about MyJuniors, do check out the two posts below.


What is MyJuniors?
MyJuniors Official Logo

If you have no idea what is MakeMeSmile is all about, do check out my announcement post HERE for all the rules and how to take part and you may be our lucky winner!

如果你不知道MakeMeSmile是什么“东东”,欢迎你到这里看看。也欢迎你踊跃参加此挑战,有可能你就是我们的幸运儿哦! (1).gif

Image credits to @littlenewthings, @sireh and @skyleap

If you like the idea of CREATE and EARN (just like here in Steemit), then do you know that everyday while we connect with our family and friends through chatting, texting, voice and video calling, we can EARN from that too? Click on the image to start EARNING from connecting with your family and friends!

Colorful hearts border is created using and
彩色心的分界线是我用paint.net和gifmaker.me做的。 (2).gif


If you are interested in the communities and groups I am in, you can find more details below here: -

The Alliance
The Steem Engine
The Freewrite House

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