Team Malaysia Babes | The Community


If you are a regular reader of my posts you might notice that I have been using a new tag regularly for the past one month. It is the #teammalaysiababes tag. I also posted about going to Team Malaysia Babes first ever meetup here. I haven't written a proper introduction to this #teammalaysiababes thingy in any of my posts and since the group is growing and more exciting activities are in the planning, it's time to do some sort of formal intro of the group to my followers/readers.

So what exactly is Team Malaysia Babes?

Team Malaysia Babes is the first initiative for women in Steemit Malaysia community. It was created to provide sisterhood support to all women regardless of who or where they are, or what is their status. The group is still tiny compared to other initiatives but so far the community consists of entrepreneurs, single women, working mothers, single mothers, cancer survivors, stay at home mothers etc. Even though we come from different background, we are all equal. We do not differentiate one another by our labels because all women are equal. And we welcome all women (and men) to participate in this community by participating in our future events/collaborations and you can use the tag #teammalaysiababes in your posts. We will try our best to support everyone's posts by upvoting, commenting and resteeming.

How did this community come about?

This community is a brainchild of @angiechin28 with a strong support from me. It all started with the first Steemit Ladies Bootcamp which was held in January. A Whatsapp group was created right after this boot camp to help the newbie ladies to get started. I was honored to be invited by @angiechin28 to be part of the group and being a senior Steemian, I used this opportunity to help the newer Steemians to navigate this platform. As the group grows we feel the need to come up with our own tag so that it is easier to find each other's post to support. Some suggestions were given and finally, we agreed to settle with #teammalaysiababes.

Collaboration with other communities

Two other communities, #steem-cartoon and #steem-music have shown their full support to us. Fellow Steemians from #steem-music community has invited us to their upcoming event at Liberal Latte on 10 March. Some of the ladies have expressed their desire to come to this event and get to know the talented people in Steem Music community. You can find out more about this event here.


We are looking forward to future collaborations with these communities and this includes outreach talks activities. One of the things that I greatly looking forward to is to invite more women specifically mothers who are looking for an extra source of income to come onboard. Steemit is a blessing to my family when I went through medical challenges recently and I hope it will be a blessing to others who are willing to give this platform a try.

For more information about Team Malaysia Babes initiative, you may visit these posts:

  1. Next Up! : Steem-Music X Team Malaysia Babes Chillax Nite & More Women Community Activities.
  2. Steem Cartoon : Collaboration with #teammalaysiababes and the Road Ahead
  3. Steem Cartoon : Engaging Other Communities

The painting

The recent Team Malaysia Babes meet up inspired me to create this painting. This group of ladies who come from all kinds of background truly inspires and empowers me. Even though we just met each other, the bond and connection we shared feel like we have known each other for a long time. I am truly happy to find these amazing community who can relate to me on so many levels.

I created the stencils using the photos taken from that first gathering. Thanks to @noriaakip, @orangila, and @patlu for sharing these photos with us. Obviously, not everyone is in the painting. I only chose the clearest images because it is almost impossible to create stencils with blurred images.

Here are some of the progress photos...

Step 1: Paint the background in yellow watercolor and leave it to dry.


Step 2: Here is the interesting part. I was cleaning and slicing some bok choy (a type of Chinese cabbage) for lunch one day and noticed these thick base resemble flowers! I thought they would make pretty stencils for my watercolor painting.


Step 3: I applied some watercolors directly on them and stamp them on my painting (see step 4 below).


Step 4: Bok choy stencil flowers!


Step 5: Spray some water on the painting so the colors will run to create that street art effect.


Step 6: Cut the stencils and trace them on the painting. However, 50% of the details were hand drawn (not trace).


Thank you for visiting! What do you think of this post? Please leave your comments below.

My previous posts:

My Sketchbook | Sketches Of A Dancer

Steemit Milestone | 1000 Followers And Being A Force Of Good

Daily Devotional | Worry And Obedience

Doodle Art | Flower Doodle Tutorial

Daily Devotional | Planting Seeds of Kindness

Portrait Of A Steemian | @angiechin28 Of Team Malaysia Babes

Team Malaysia Babes First Ever Gathering

MyJuniors | Saturday Is Coloring Day

I am selling some of my paintings over on Artfinder. Shipping is FREE worldwide. You can check them out here: ARTFINDER.

My gifts & merchandise available at REDBUBBLE (international), Printcious & CreativeUnited (Malaysia).

Thank you!


My avatar was illustrated by @pinstory

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