Gymnastics rings & the secret gymnasts' technique to get their crazy-big biceps



For the upper body, I definitely view the best piece of equipment the gymnastics rings.It's not the barbell, it's not the dumbel, it's not even the bar in the workout park. It's gymnastics rings.
I'm wondering if @bodie7 knows who the author of the quote is ;) Of course, it's Ido Portal in his breakthrough video which you can find HERE

I've started using rings cca 3 years ago and workouts on them as just different. They are just not stable and that's the secret of their efficiency. If you do pullups or dips on a bar, they don't move. But if you do the same on the rings, those stupid rings shake AF. Which means you have to engage all the stabilizers, all the core muscles and all those tiny muscle groups you don't even know existed.

Why do gymnasts have big biceps

That's the question all fitness freaks have been asking for ages. How the hell do they get those big arm muscles although they don't "pump" them regularly? Well, obviously, they train like madmen, 4 hours every day. But one of secrets is the top position with outside wrist rotation. It's just soooo difficult. I can't hold it for longer than 20 seconds in normal dip position. If you want to try an easier version, just lower the rings so you can do pushups on them and instead of pushups, just rotate the wrists outside...and hold :) You'll be surprised how much tension the biceps gets. You can see the position on the following pictures. The rolled-up sleeve is not to show my flexed arms to the world, I swear! :D It's cuz I probably checked them myself only :D Of course just cuz of science purposes..


Pre cvicenie vrchnej casti tela povazujem za najlepsi nastroj gymnasticke kruhy. Nie hrazda, nie cinky ani ziadne fitness masiny. Proste gymnasticke kruhy.
Rozmyslam, ci @bodie7 vie, kto je autor :) Samozrejme, ze je to Ido Portal v jeho starom "kultovom" vidou, ktore som tu na Steemit-e uz vo viacerych postoch spominal ( Pozri video).

Kruhy som zacal pouzivat relativne dost neskoro, cca pred 3 rokmi. A je to fakt nieco ine. Su proste nestabilne a to je cele tajomstvo ich efektivity. Uz len pri obycajnom zhybe. Na hrazdu sa proste zavesite a pritiahnete sa. No ked to skusite na kruhoch, zistite, ze tie sa trepu hore dole a aby ste sa vy nezacali "triast" s nimi, musite zatat cele brucho a kopu mini svalov o ktorych ani neviete. Kadejake stabilizatory ramien atd...

Preco maju gymnasti take bicaky?

To je otazka, ktora zaujima vsetkych fintesakov :D Jako je mozne, ze maju tak velke ruky, ked ich vobec "nepumpuju"...Sice ich nepumpuju, no na druhej strane trenuju 4 hodiny denne ine veci :D No a jedna z malinkych zmien oproti beznemu posilnovaniu, je externa rotacia zapastia v hornej pozicii. . Clovek nechce ani verit, ake je to tazke :D V klasickej dip pozicii to udzim mozno tak 20 sekund. Ak chcete skusit jendoduchsiu verziu, dajte kruhy takmer az ku zemi a zapastia vytocte v pozicii kliku. Tak ako ja na fotkach nizsie. Budete fakt prekvapeni, aku namahu to vyzaduje, drzat tie ruky vytocene. Inak ten vyhrnuty rukav nie je preto, aby som ukazoval svetu moje zatate bicaky :D predpokladám, že som si ich sám checkol (kvôli vedecké my výskumu :D) a ostali vyhrnute :D

First picture is also my entry for today´s #sportsphotography contest hosted by @juliank.



You can find my latest posts here:

  1. Visiting Hallstatt - beautiful tiny town on UNESCO herritage list with the oldest saltmine in the world!
  2. 7-Day Music Challenge: Your Top Albums - #4 Born In Babylon
  3. I have the most beautiful grannie EVER so where's the #familyphotography contest ????
  4. How I trained my "finger skills" as 16 year old ;)
  5. Weekly topic: 8 random (useless) pictures and their funny "behind the scenes" stories


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