Muscles and I becoming Popeye the Sailor? :D



In my last post, I've shown off my muscles haha :D So this time, I'mma be posting about spinach. That makes me to a proper Popeye the Sailor or? :D

It's Monday. That means 2 days ago was Saturday :D End of post...Just kidding :D But actually, TLDR versions of the post might be kinda cool idea...

TLDR version

It was Saturday. I had eggs with spinach for breakfast. It was delicious and looked perfect!

Long version

Well, one reason why I enjoy Saturdays is breakfast. I like my work so Saturday isn't really the long awaited day for me. But what I actually really look forward to is my weekly Saturday's breakfast. I have 4 eggs with veggies. Always. I don't like to eat early so I usually skip breakfast during week, but Saturday breakfast around 10:30 is whole another story :)

Last Friday, I've bought this big 500g pack spinach and so far Im enjoying it totally. I just throw couple of them to each dish. But because people like to sleep late on Saturdays, I didn't want to bother my eggs either (in case they like to sleep longer as well). So I've made a nice little kushioning on the plate from the spinach. That way, I could eat them and they could still enjoy their Saturday morning rest :D


Naposledy som v poste vystavoval Steemit na okrasu bicaky :D Tak tentokrat spomeniem spenat. To uz som ako ozajstny Pepek Namornik ci? :D

Je pondelok. Cize pred dvoma dnami bola sobota. Koniec postu...Haha srandujem. Aj ked, TLDR verzie postu by mozno nebol zly napad..(TLDR je skratka znamenajuca "Too long didn't read", pouzivana na nete ak niekto napise dlhy text a vam sa to nechce citat)

TLDR verzia

Bola sobota. Na ranajky som mal vajicka so spenatom. Bolo to total chutne, zdrave ale hlavne to top vyzeralo!

Dlha verzia

Dovod preco mam rad soboty su ranajky. Do roboty chodim, celkom rad, cize z dovodu volna sa na sobotu az tak netesim. Co si na sobote ale vzdy uzijem, su neskore ranajky. Cez tyzden neranajkovavam, kedze mi skoro rano nechuti jest. Ale sobotne vajicka o 10:30 su uz ina story :)

Minuly piatok som si kupil polkilove balenie spenatu. Odvtedy som si par listov hodil ku kazdemu jedlu, je to super, len to balenie zabera polku chladnicky :D Kedze viem, ze ludia v sobotu radi dlho lenosia v posteli, napadlo ma, ze mozno to vajicka maju rovnako. A tak som sa rozhodol, ze im na tanieri pekne makko vysteliem z mojich spenatovych listov. Aby som ich nerusil pri sobotnom rannom vylihovani. Fungovalo to super, ja som sa najedol a oni tak tvrdo spali, ze sa ani nepohli :D

First picture is also my entry for today´s #foodphotography contest hosted by @juliank.



You can find my latest posts here:

  1. Gymnastics rings & the secret gymnasts' technique to get their crazy-big biceps
  2. Visiting Hallstatt - beautiful tiny town on UNESCO herritage list with the oldest saltmine in the world!
  3. 7-Day Music Challenge: Your Top Albums - #4 Born In Babylon
  4. I have the most beautiful grannie EVER so where's the #familyphotography contest ????
  5. How I trained my "finger skills" as 16 year old ;)


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