Importance of Family Table Talks

This is one of the most important thing which these days is getting lost in the contemporary lifestyles...

Table Talks are nothing but at the end of the day when everyone in the family almost winds up for the day and gathers up for dinner, so here it depends now what type of quality time do you want to spend. As a family this is one time when everyone can be together if not everyday then for a minimum of 4 days in a week or every alternate day and have conversation with each other. Specially when Children grow up or hectic work schedules then it becomes difficult, but if you set this culture for your children and for yourself right from the beginning then it sets as a discipline and everyone enjoys it. Other thing is, it should not be a compulsion, everyone should gather up with ease and comfort.

Source - Pixabay

How can you make best use of this time?

It is best that in this time all the gadgets, books and any hook ups are away and the focus is only on the people gathered at the table.

This is the time when everyone can share their experience of the day. Specially when you have small children this time is the best time to connect the dots. Children function like tribe, Parents need to ask the right questions at the table to get the apt answer and insight towards their child's life in their absence, parents should be observant about the child's behavior at the dinner table.
If you find anything strange in the child's behavior then it means your attention is required more in your child's life as to what is happening in their friends circle or at the school or any other place that they are regular. In such cases open ended questions don't work, the parent needs to understand the body language of the child and pick up queues from there which might uncover something for you.

Table Talks are not only for Parents and Children, it is important for all the family members. It will make you realize that some of your family member may be needing your support more on a particular day. The time spent here will bond the family and bring people closer to each other.

Table talks can teach you a lot of things at a social level also. as you take out time to understand the people in your family from the way they talk, they speak, they eat in the same manner you will be able to understand people around at your workplace, in your friend circle. You will be able to pick up on what people are not saying and not only that it is just as important as what they do say and listening is always more valuable than talking.

As the saying goes........
"Family that Eats together, Stays together"

With Love and Angels Blessings πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»

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