LIFE: Ten Random Things Challenge

Heeeyho Readers! Joining another fun challenge to tell a bit more about me, which is kinda strange.

One of the coolest things on the Steem blockchain is all the interaction, even when I've been so busy that I'm not actually annoying people on their posts - sorry guys, give me a discount, please! bastard* (me, yes).

As some of you are already close friends and most of our talkings happen on Discord, I've decided that it would be fun to take part on this fun challenge started by @twodorks, in which I was tagged by my dear friends and absolute crushes @riverflows and @katrina-ariel.

So, let's dive into 10 random facts about good ol' Mr.P - I still don't know why they would like to know about me, but ok.

This challenge doesn't have to do anything with Steemit. Each person who decides to do the challenge will have to say at least 10 facts about yourself! Pretty easy right?! After that you need to ask one question and you have to tag that person to play along! Don't forget to use the hashtag #tenrandomthings so we can find your post!

Ah, by the way, first I need to answear the bonus question:

What makes you feel the most free?

Hard one, but I believe that traveling makes me the most free - should change my name to Mr Obvious. I believe that once I'm able to break that initial fear barrier present while planning a trip, before actually starting it, that's when I feel free. That sensation of realising that everything was simpler than I had pictured; realising that the trip is actually happening. Freeeeeeeeedom. Ok, now we can start.


Hello? Are you there??

1. I'm Anxious


Yes, yes, yes! I may not express that, but I tend to be overly anxious, especially when it involves traveling. I'll read a billion times the same reviews abou similar trips; I'll check if the tickets are correct more than once; I'll check if everything is packed correctly; I'll annoy my friends over and over and over again with doubts when it involves plane tickets. I'm a simple hitchhiker/biker all that bureaucracy makes me anxious.

Also if I want to buy something new, I need to do it for yesterday; but I'll also read a zillion reviews for at least one month until the prices goes up. Then I'll be anxious that the rates went up. Then I'll be anxious that I can't pay for it anymore. Are you still there? Can we go to number 2? I'm anxious to know if you are still there!

2. I've Spent 10 Days Without a Shower


When we are kids we always have that rebelious phase where we pretend we take a shower, right? Yes, you know that, turn on the shower, spend some time reading comics, put some water on your hair and voila.

The only problem is that I was 28 years old, dang it! That's nasty - you are thinking. But it's true and I won't hide it. Between 13/02 and 23/02 in 2017 (I have that on my travel diary) I was hitchhiking in Patagonia, sleeping on the streets of Chiloé island and it was cold as fuck it is in Patagonia. I knew I needed a shower, but the opportunity simply didn't appear until I decided that I had had enough, so I jumped into a cristal clear river in Villa Traful (Argentina) to take the greese out. Let's just pray that the fish are still alive.

3. I Have Slept on All Sorts of Places


Counchsurfing? Ahhhh, don't be silly, that's too easy! When I travel on an extreme budget I generally sleep anywhere. Have you? Would you?

From inside abandonned houses in the middle of the jungle to a confy sleeping mat on the beach. I also slept inside a market stall, below a truck, inside a truck, inside a house on top of a truck, on several city outskirts, on someone else's garden (with permission), drunk in the bathroom, in the car, bus, boat - I told you it was anywhere.

There are some other things that sometimes you need to do anywhere, but that we won't put on the blockchain, Do'h.

4. I'm Reserved Until I'm Comfortable

Yeah, you know me here or maybe Discord, and some of you have chatted with me on voice channel. But on the real life I think I'm reserved, until I'm comfortable at least.

Once that initial phase of meeting someone is broken, dude! I stick together just like Tuna fish and Pasta on the life of a backpacker. So, if I ever go to SteemFest 3 don't feel awkward if I'm all serious when I meet you. Because you won't like when I morph into the real version of me. Or maybe you will? Who knows...

5. I'm Generaly Quiet Around Big Groups

Imgine a big group, can be friends, I'm the one mentioned when people say "Come on Arthur, are you there? Say something!". Howerver, when I break my silence, it has to be a joke... I can't help I like to joke, but it needs to be spontaneous. Once I made a Russian friend laugh, it took me 2 days hitchhiking with that dude to make him laugh.

6. Want to See Me Shy? Flirt With Me


I'm not going to hide, no, no! This is all about true facts here folks. I'm not an introvert; I've been a teacher, which made me really comfortable talking in front of a crowd; I travel on a budget, which requires putting ourselves in all sorts of crazy conversation; I also have had girlfriends and lived with a woman before. But when it comes to flerting, then I get shy. Some say it's cute, I say it's grow up man chicken.

7. I Get Easly Distracted

As I'm writing this post, I have played guitar 3 times, ate 2 cups of coffe, streched my back 1 time, checked cellphone a bazilion times, lost myself on Discord conversations (at this moment), researched low cost tickets to Europe, procrastinated on this list because I don't know what to say, decided to say 'send nudes?' just to check if you ara reading, looked at the wall, checked cellphone again, and now I'm moving to number 8. Shall we?

8. I Don't Only Blog

This is more of a self defense tactic to explain why I don't visit your posts as much as you would like so, and the possible reason why you are not visiting mine in return. I understand, ok? We still love each other.

I don't only blog, in fact, blogging has become something difficult to continue on my end these last weeks, especially the long Travel Story posts. The reason why is because I'm also working on @travelfeed and @cyclefeed; I translate for the DaVinci/Utopian open source projects; I work for a YouTube channel; I manage this page and I procrastinate spend a lot of time on Discord helping people / discussing projects.

9. I Have Fears Just Like Anybody Else

Whenever I post a crazy Travel Story I hear people saying things like You have a lot of courage or I wish I had the courage. But the story is just the final version of a much bigger proccess, which involves fighting the same fears you have. You know? That strong force holding us back?

I suffer just like you before going to an adventure, I think, overthink, almost give up. It's normal, it's our nature. The diference is that I'm persistent to keep on hitting that wall until it goes down, and then I'm free to enjoy my adventure.

This is the initial purpose of this blog, to tell all those stories, but also try to show you that you are just like me - if I can, you can!

Just as an example, at this very moment I'm suffering with the whole trip to Europe and the SF3, and I'll keep on suffering until I cross the customs and start assembling my bike to pedal. Will I give up? Nooooo.

10. I Love Sim Racing


Yeeeeees, sitting on the computer driving fast cars, crashing and not breaking the bank account for doing so. I used to love it, I used to take it very seriously before my computer burned down, ending with my sim racing carrer for good.

I was so hooked to it that I built my own set of professional pedals as my final thesis for the Mechanical Engineering course. After that, my plans to start selling sim racing gear failed, my pc burned and I lost all my money on the idea. That's how I became a traveler... hopefully one day I'll have a setup again to play.

Hoooooooooah, this is the end, we've made it to the 10 random facts about me. Let's just hope that you had fun reading all this and that we meet soon so you can discover more facts about me - I promise I'll take a shower!!!

As per rules I need to nominate some victims, so here we go: @guchtere, @for91days, @sina-adventure, @gabrielatravels, @wanderlass (again Haaaahahah). Please, one step ahead.

For my bonus question I'd like to ask you.

What would you do with an Invisibility Cloak?

Did you had a good laugh? Would you like to participate? Leave a comment down below so I can nominate you too.

If you liked this post, please, consider leaving your upvote for a hot coffee.

~Love ya all,

Disclaimer:  The author of this post is a convict broke backpacker, who has travelled more than 10.000 km hitchhiking. Following him may cause severe problems of wanderlust and inquietud. You've been warned.

I'm Arthur. I blog about Adventure Stories, Brazil, Travel, Camping & Life Experiences.

Follow me to stay tuned for more craziness and tips.

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