Overcome Your STRUGGLE With Low Productivity

Until some years ago I used to struggle with productivity every day, barely accomplishing a fraction of what I was supposed to do. I was not happy about it at all and decided stop and evaluate my entire day, style of working and work schedule.

It did take me some time but I have been able to increase my productivity by following some basics that I am outlining in my post.

No Multitasking

The first thing I decided to stop completely was this misnomer called multitasking. It gets you nowhere believe me and you end your day messing things up. If you want to achieve success through sheer focus give up multitasking and do one thing at a time.

The truth is that you must concentrate on finishing one piece of work and do nothing else during that time to distract you. This will ensure that you finish what you had started out to do.


Setting a deadline is of utmost importance. If you think that you will create a post but do not put a deadline to it, you will never get it done. Keeping to deadlines will be a bit difficult in the beginning but once you start meeting them you will find it easy.

Computer Time

I remember the time when I used to sit down at my computer intending to start on my latest project task. With my computer connected to the internet, within minutes I used to drift away to sites that were unrelated to what I was doing.

Luckily I stumbled upon an a chrome extension that was very effective at curbing my non useful activity on my computer. The app is free to use and is called Stayfocusd(it's spelt like that) and is available in the Chrome store. It cuts off access to sites that you have listed in it, after the allocated time is over.

For example, I have listed a few news portals for which I have allocated 30 minutes a day. Once 30 minutes are over the extension automatically cuts off access to all the sites.


This is a big one that will improve your productivity instantly. Switch off all notifications except for reminder alarms for something important that you might have set. Notifications to be turned off include all forms of social media and emails.

Give yourself time to check social media sites and a separate slot of time for checking your emails and replying to them. It could be 30 minutes or 2 hours but once you have demarcated time for these activities you will find yourself more productive in your main tasks.


I am a firm believer in lists and have mentioned it in other related posts. But having a list of too many things can prove to be counterproductive. The list of most important to dos should not exceed 2 or 3 items. Remember, focusing is important and a list of 2 or 3 items has a greater probability of being completed by the end of the day.


This might be a surprise for many who feel that everything should be within easy reach. On the contrary, having easy access to temptations which is distractions in this case, will do more harm than good. Again I go back to my original point about focusing on a few rather than multitasking. Creating an unnecessary clutter will cause you to lose focus and you will end up multitasking. The clutter could be a physical mess on your table or a digital accumulation of sorts on your desktop.

Even while doing some research on the internet I avoid keeping too many tabs open. The reason being that I am bound to end up getting distracted by something that I might go back to. Instead I create a bookmark folder on my toolbar where I save tabs which I can access later.


Take enough breaks so that your mind gets a rest. It is like sharpening a knife before you use it for cutting again. After a short break your mind will be sharp again to focus on your immediate task.

Keep People Informed

Last but not the least, be clear about your work timings when you would not like to be disturbs. If you work at home this means that your family should be well aware that you are available only during hour breaks.

Hope these tips help you in becoming more productive!

(¯`•._ _.•´¯)

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Image sources: Pixabay, Giphy, Canva

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