Water Fasting - A Day WITHOUT Food

Human beings are attuned to eat three major meals a day. This does not include snack breaks where something light may be consumed. It has been like that for as long as we may remember.

But if we look back at prehistoric times when agriculture was not a thing yet, the way to get some food was to kill animals and cook them on a fire. This meant that there may not have been a breakfast, lunch and dinner schedule - but more likely only one meal a day.

I had heard about the benefits of water fasting from various people who had tried it. Before my Steemit days, quite often I used to find my connections on social media mentioning their water fast and its benefits. Early last week I decided to try a water fast myself. I chose Friday as the D-day.

Although the accounts of water fasting I had come across had recounted several days of fasting with some going up to more than a month, fasting for one day was something that I wanted to do as a trial. I wanted to see what good came of it and more importantly, whether I would be able to go without food for one whole day!

One precaution I took was to have a lot of protein the previous day before the fast because excess carbs stored in the body can burn out fast whereas protein generates energy slowly but steadily.

So D-day arrived and I was up at 7 in the morning. I took up my handy-dandy bottle of water and started the day. No tea nor coffee that day, I said to myself, only water. Throughout the day I kept feeling hungry but then I kept gulping down mouthfuls of water after refilling my bottle every hour or so. Strangely after lunch time I had so much water to drink that I stopped feeling hungry.

Surprisingly I was able to focus more on work than other days. I am not sure whether it was because there was no food to think about that day. It could be probably because the body's mechanism was relatively free due to a purely water consumption.

Due to the missing meal times I discovered that I had more time on my hands. I usually take about 45 minutes break for lunch but no lunch meant that the time was free for me to do anything. I read a book during that time and then immediately resumed work.

By evening I had started feeling a bit colder than usual. This may have been because of the absence of heat generated by warm food and also the huge amount of cold water I had been drinking through out the day.

Moreover, at the end of the day I felt more tired obviously because I had not consumed any calories at all. I went to sleep sooner than usual - in fact I fell asleep as soon as I hit the sack.

The only exception I made was to have a cup of green tea since I started feeling drowsy by mid afternoon. That is the time of my cup of tea, sometimes coffee, and it is needed at the time to go through the rest of the day.

The benefits of my one day fasting outweighed the negatives. The negatives were just a little more tiredness and a drowsy feeling that went away after drinking some green tea. Also a minor disadvantage of feeling colder than usual.

I felt quite light at the end of the day. I also observed decreased pain in my feet something that had been bothering me for the few weeks. This may have been a result of drinking a lot of water. Hopefully my digestive system would have got a good rest and there may be less toxins in my body due to the fast.

I saw this experiment as a success since I was able to go through the day without any major issue - and felt light at the end of it. I intend to do a water fast for one full week in the near future, and that would be another post.

(¯`•._ _.•´¯)

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Image Sources: Pixabay, Giphy

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