Super Fast Skill Building

I have seen many people stating as a matter of fact that they do not have a particular skill and leave it at that. They think that if they are not skilled at doing something they will never be able to do it. The truth is that any skill can be developed and any knowledge can be looked up and learnt.

If you're one who does believe that skills can be picked up with a bit of effort, then read on to find out how you can do so quickly, in the least amount of time possible.

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Why Skills Are Important

It is worth increasing or improving your skills for your chances of success increase with better skills. You can earn more and also have additional credibility. Heck, life is just much more interesting with some new skills than without them.

The only prerequisite for learning a new skills is that you should believe in yourself. Don't count a lack of talent as being a disadvantage because new skills can certainly be acquired with proper planning and determination.


First and foremost, getting yourself a mentor or coach quadruples your chances of being successful with learning a new skill. He or she should not just be someone who is proficient with the skills in question, but must also be a good coach. Preferably someone who has mentored or coached others before. True it may cost a bit of money but is truly worth it in the long run.

If you just cannot afford a coach look for a role model whom you would want to be like. Of course they must have already achieved what you want to achieve. This can increase your motivation, helping you while you work towards your goal.

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Break down your end goal into a series of smaller goals. Refer to online courses or websites but don't get overwhelmed. Write down what you need to do into acquire a new skill. Proceed one step at a time.

Self Motivation

Motivating yourself while learning a new skill is an important aspect that may get missed out. Create a schedule and build up enough self discipline so that you don't miss anything. Make your immediate environment conducive to new learning. One your computer place your resources on your desktop files so that it's the first thing you see when you switch it on.


Reward yourself when you meet your sub goals and make progress. A reward is a good way to motivate yourself and keep you going. It could be something small but is important all the same.


Surround yourself with like minded people and preferably those who are also learning new skills or the same skills as you. Learning a new skill in isolation has its own challenges. If you can't find such people offline, join online communities or forums where there are individuals interested in learning the same skills.


Get feedback on how you're doing from your mentor. If you don't have a mentor use resources like online tests to see how you're doing. Show your skill to others especially those who are ready to give you feedback.

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Ranking Skills

It you're planning to learn several skills it may be a good idea a time rank them on order of priority or difficulty. The idea would be to learn the easiest or most important skills first.

If you follow the tips above you will not only learn a new skills fast but enjoy going through the learning process.

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