Wish For Something Else, Not Money

Almost everyone seems to wish money as their main intention when carrying out their work in a full time job or in their own business. The Law of Attraction does say that you must wish what you want but it means more than just money.

People wish that they must gain money and keep wishing for years on end. Most do not gain a fraction of what they have wished for. They always dream of it but it never comes. They often wonder how much time it will take for it to come.

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Little do they know that money stays away from those who merely wish it but do not make their wish powerful. It is a powerless wish which will not bear fruit.

Instead look beyond money and think of what you really want. Money is just a number and a currency. It is used to buy things and on its own is meaningless.

What you really desire is not money. No one is going to receive a huge amount of money and keep it in a safety vault or a bank locker forever. You're wasting your time and effort if money is what you are after, the biggest thing you wish for.

Most people who are recipients of substantial amounts of money are those who wished for something else. Money was a collateral that they came into possession of.

Stop wishing and dreaming about money. Think of those things that you intend to buy with the money. Do you wish to go traveling on adventures across the world?

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Do you wish to make changes in your lifestyle? Maybe buy a palatial mansion for yourself in a tony neighborhood?

When you wish for something make sure that you visualize it clearly in your mind. You must know what it looks like, or what it feels like to make it happen for you.

Many people think that money will make them healthy and strong. They feel that it will make their lives safe and secure. Money for them will make them free of life although they may not be clear of - free of what?

Such wishful thinking has no power in it and it will only lead to more powerlessness in some way or the other. When you wish for money only, it is like chasing a mirage and the more you run after it the farther it will seem to get. It will remain out if reach forever.

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The truth is that money is a benefit that accrues out of your true wishes. You could even call it a side effect of your real intentions. But it would be a mistake to attach yourself to money. If you cling to money you are letting go of your true desires. Money is not freedom neither is it good health or freedom.

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