Magical World of Crystals

Finally after a very long time I am writing on my most special subject Crystals, and over the next few blogs I will continue doing so. Hope you all will enjoy this Crystal Journey along with me.

Today's content is going to be more of an introduction and some basic tips.

Crystals have a long standing history right from the period of Atlantis and Lemurian’s. It is believed that information in those times were all recorded in the crystals and hence they were also known as record keepers. In today’s age also you will identify few of these crystals with a very peculiar pattern on them and lot of information of these ages have been derived by the psychics through these crystals.

In the olden ages of Mayans, Hebrews and the Egyptians they discovered that the Crystals had a varied amount of properties which could be used for Healing purposes and also in rituals and sacred ceremonies. In today’s time the Australian aborigines use the crystals to commune with spirits. Also In today’s age Quartz Crystals are used in engineering and technology, they are used in computers where we now store information. Hence this proves how effective the use of Crystals is.

With all the research done over a period of time, it has been proved that Crystals do help in Healing process at a Physical, Mental and Emotional Level. Each Crystals has a geometric internal structure which helps it to vibrate, just like the human body which also has a specific geometric structure which vibrates at a certain frequency. It is this vibration that enables the crystals with its healing abilities. Not only that the higher vibration frequency crystals enables one to reach higher levels of consciousness. Besides healing, Crystals also help us in other areas of our life like financial stability, Work advancement, Meditation practices, removing evil, negative, lower energies, etc.

A Crystal healing therapy is one where multiple crystals are brought together to work on different parts of the body. This subject is not as simple as one would think, hence when you work with the healing part of it, one must also be aware of the Anatomy and the structure of the etheric body.

A Crystal healing therapy is not an independent therapy, it is a complimentary therapy, hence when one uses crystals, one should never stop the existing treatments. Ideally the Crystals neutralizes the negative energies and they help in raising the vibrations and energy levels of our body which in turn builds up the immunity of the body systems and helps in healing process faster, giving you a feeling of well-being and helping us to become integrated within ourselves.

Crystals can be used in many many ways and for as many areas of your life you can think of.

You will find crystals in all different shapes and sizes, some in natural form, some treated ones. Crystals come from various sources of nature where they are formed at varying depths and levels and as well as varying pressures and temperatures which influences the way they are formed. Choosing a Crystal by its shape also matters for different purpose.

Rose Quartz Crystals in shape of tumbles, wands and small pointers

Ideally a lot of people say that there are times when they see a particular Crystal and their eyes get fixed on them. This is because the energy of that particular crystal is highly resonating with your own energy and that particular crystal is required the most for that time. This is one of the best ways to select your crystals that is by going with your intuition. Otherwise if you are not sure which Crystal to pick up, go with the properties and select.

I have met a lot of people saying, but I don’t believe in Crystals and I see the same people using Crystals in different forms like Jewelry or a show piece in their home. It is said that the Energy of the Crystals is very magnetic and if you are going through a situation in life, they will automatically pull you to them.

A few years back I myself never believed in crystals, but in my travels unknowingly I was picking them up in forms of show pieces or just getting attracted to clusters, or in jewelry form, this is the way my journey started with the Crystals. Today they have become a part of me, I cannot imagine my life without Crystals. This does not mean that I am dependent on them but I like their energy and I strongly resonate with them. Also while working with them I have observed their high healing energies and benefits that people have got with them and this makes me more and more attracted to them.

So today I will give you one simple Crystal therapy for the most common problem, Insomnia. A lot of people have problems with sleep, it’s either a disturbed sleep or not getting sleep, nightmares, etc.

This particular therapy has been tried and tested by my friends, family members and my clients and it never fails.

If you have problems falling asleep use

Rose Quartz Crystal
Amethyst Crystal

The combination of these 2 crystals tumbles should be kept under the pillow.

Amethyst Crystals in shape of tumbles and pointers

***If one has problems with disturbed sleep, Aventurine Crystal tumbles can be added to these 2.

Aventurine crystal in shape of tumbles and small rock

They can be kept in a small pouch under the pillow.

When you get the crystals new, do not expect them to start working with you from day 1. They also need time to start resonating with your energy.

When you get new crystals for yourself, initially spend some time with them. Hold them for a minimum of 20 minutes in a day in your non-dominant hand. In a week’s time they should start working with you very fine.

Also when you keep these crystals under your pillow, they are working with your energies and draining out their own energies, so you need to charge them regularly, there are lot of ways for charging them, here I give you one simple way. Wash them in cool running water and pass them over a incense stick smoke, or after washing them keep them for some time at the altar. This will clear the stale energies and charge them up with their own healing energies.

I hope you all enjoyed my today’s talk on Crystals, In my upcoming blogs I will share other tips on Crystals for day to day life progress. Keep looking forward to this space.

Thank you😇

Source of the Images----All the pictures are of my own self clicked

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