📌Featured Member Follow-Up🙌 - @bearone


Good ol' Care Bear. She has been our featured member this week and we hope you have enjoyed 'helping her move'. That's right! Moving day is here and she is ecstatic! Months upon months of searching and hoping and packing and the final step to transition is upon us. We hope everything goes well sweetheart! Along the way, she was 'caring' enough to drop some tips for us when (and if) we decide to move. Check it out :D

Highlights From This Week

Moving Day FinallyMercury in Retrograde
Today's Tip - Baby OilVegetarian Nachos

#thealliance @bearone banner.png

We Love You @bearone

So we have to ask, do you think you will remain in your new place? Assuming no unruly dogs show up to ruin it, I bet you all will be quite happy there. We enjoy your posts as they are sincere and the quality we appreciate and pride ourselves on, reign true. Keep being you, Arly, and on behalf of #thealliance, thank you! We Love You @bearone!
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