How I found part of my family on Steemit - The Alliance - and how to join


Hi All,

I am very sure that you have come across a post or two or more in the last while or so that highlighted a group that you may be unaware of, called The Alliance. Now, a while back I mentioned how I thought about making a video to tell people how finding this group changed my view here on Steemit. I never got around to it and thought it over and decided that even if I am not making a video now I will at least share my experience and all for those who are looking to belong somewhere.

How I found The Alliance


In all honesty, I didn't find them. They found me. I started writing on Steemit in July 2017, so about 6 months ago, and I had gone ahead and been commenting and really trying to figure myself out on this platform as to be honest I have never blogged. So, since I tended to be making myself go towards things that I had never done before or that made me uncomfortable, I went ahead and joined in a Karaoke contest that was run by @killerwhale. Why did I do this? Because I have loved to sing since I was a little girl but have always been shy about doing so in front of people by myself. In my 20's I would regularly go to a karaoke bar and sing one or two songs but was always nervous even when doing so. However, as time went on I got a bit more comfortable.

Now, just before I joined Steemit I wanted, and made myself get out of my comfort zone and did something that I was really unsure about, and that was me putting myself on video and putting it up on the internet for the whole world to see. To some that may not seem like a big deal but it was to me at the time and I even share that in some earlier posts on my blog, but anyways, I decided to push that further and do 2 things that scared me...putting myself on video AND singing, all of which were going to put me again on the internet possibly in front of other people who watch, who can judge. That cracked open my shell and I repeated that. Apparently, after that initial song, I was then being watched by a few from The Alliance. Then it happened, a couple of weeks or so after that original karaoke submission, I happened to comment on a post of one of the people I follow and I was then invited to check The Alliance out. I will be honest, I wasn't sure at the time if I wanted to align with a group. I wasn't really familiar with too many groups at the time and wasn't seeing how it could be any different from a few of the ones I had heard of. I also will admit I had come into Steemit with a tad bit of a chip on my shoulder, wanting to do it my way and solo and thinking that if you put the work in it will be enough to skyrocket you up. Please note that you can be alone on this platform and do well if you comment and put tons of time in and people are interested in what you write enough. Having said that though, I will say...WHY? Why make yourself be alone when that really isn't necessary and the alternative (even if you are unaware of it) is better?

Having thought about the opportunity to join a group, I decided to take the chance and felt that it could definitely help me, so I joined. What follows that will be one word...WOW.

How The Alliance changed my life and view on Steemit

I won't sit here and say that I ONLY follow or interact with people from The Alliance, but I will say that I have definitely found some family that I never thought I would have. I have made wonderful relationships with people that I probably wouldn't have had the chance to come across in any lifetime. I have been so overwhelmingly supported in so many ways because I came in with a full heart and wanted to support as much as I can and found such a great group of people that I genuinely vibe with.

I have seen so much support, so much love, so much caring come out of this group of people that it is phenomenal. We have people from all walks of life, different areas of the world, different languages, different interests and things we all write and share, it is a wonderfully diverse family community.

So, other than meeting people that I wouldn't have come across and made fantastic relationships, you are probably wondering how The Alliance changed my life here on Steemit, so I will tell you. I have gained confidence in having such strong support behind me. I have learned additional skills because those around me knew more and helped encourage and teach me along the way. I have become a better leader because I was so invested in this group that I became one of the leaders of the Alpha Syndicate of #thealliance. I got more comfortable in front of the camera and with my singing and am now one of the judges of the karaoke contest (which I take very seriously I might add). I had support when I started my Art Contest which is now in week 15, whether through members resteeming and some even donating to it, as well as it being cross-promoted on other contests. I have been entered for contests and wildly supported. I also received so much love when I was Feature member that is nearly brought me to tears. I have had the opportunity to input my opinion during meetings, to pursue and collaborate in musical endeavors, as well as begin my own radio show. I have become a better content creator, a better Steemian as a whole, and been able to go after dreams that I had wanted when joining here and now actually see them coming to fruition. I might also add that I am just warming up, so keep a lookout.

How can you join The Alliance?

First off I will start by saying that you will get as much out of this group as you put into it. If you are coming to join this community, no, let's say family group and you are coming just for yourself so that you can get better and do better and make more money and have no interest in supporting others, then this group is not for you. Do we all want to do well? Of course! Do we all want to get better, be more popular, make a bit more Steem and such? Of course! But, you will do the best if you are genuinely here to find your home. To find your group, your place, and it shows by the enthusiasm you bring, the support you also show as you will be shown. I just thought it would be better to get that out of the way.

So, let's say you are enthusiastic, and you want to find your place/home and a family type group, and you want to do better and get better and support others and make genuine friendships, then I say...What the heck are you doing still reading this?! Get your butt over to us and come join in!

I suppose after all this long winded post that I should tell you how to do that. Here we go...

  • Get ready to make a post/or make a post first totally up to you.
  • In this post, which is essentially an application to join us, we ask that you answer these 3 questions, and feel free to add whatever else you want too to show us additionally who you are and share your enthusiasm, but at a minimum these:
  1. How did you find #thealliance?
  2. Why do you want to be here (in the alliance)?
  3. What qualities do you have that would make you a valued member of the family?
  • Come into one of the Syndicates and post your link in the applications room in order to be considered to become a member

Come join one of the 3 Syndicates we have (Alpha, Beta, or Gamma)

Alpha Syndicate is run by @topkpop (me) and @saffisara - Join me at the Alpha Syndicate here

Beta Syndicate is the Spanish speaking group run by @sol25 and @leyargoz - Join Beta here

Gamma Syndicate is run by @tattoodjay and @edthecanadian - Join Gamma here

Want to hear what other members say as well? Check out these posts

#thealliance who what why and how
Why I Joined the Alliance
La Familia Thealliance, Quiénes somos? Family Thealliance, Who we are?
Why I Joined #thealliance - Wait, What?
My #thealliance Thoughts!



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