"Into the quantum world..." - Chapter 2, part 1

To get all up to date, read the previous parts:
Chapter 01 "Fast forward": PART 01. PART 02. PART 03. PART 04. PART 05.

@crazybgadventure as B.G. the badger
@lymepoet as Lime the ...

Maybe Rocky needed to give in, relax and see where his mind would take him. How crazier would it get anyway? It wouldn't be crazier than the crazy talking badger in his bathroom, or would it? He took a deep breath and rested his head on his palms. What is the worst thing that could happen anyway? His body begun to fill with fear and there was no telling how long he could endure the anxiety. He started shivering. The temperature in the bathroom dropped unexpectedly and the ominous sound of a clock ticking echoed from the cold bathroom tiles.

"Not this crap again." the badger said and tried to run away but it was far too late for that. The fabric of that world had already begun to change.

The walls started shaking and the clock sound got louder. It was coming from the toilet. Rocky turned his head and looked at the toilet seat only to find himself even more puzzled with what he saw. Ladybugs started coming out of the toilet and with each tick sound another one appeared and climbed out of the water. Tick, a ladybug. Tock, a ladybug. Tick, tock... Tick, tock... The room got filled with them as they started walking around on every surface. Tick, tock...

"Ladybugs? What fresh hell is this?" Rocky asked the badger with a sad desperation in his voice. He was not hoping to get a straight answer from a talking animal but he had to ask anyway.

"She is coming. I have failed you." the badger responded and curled beneth the Rocky's feet in desperate attempt to find shelter.

"Who is she?" Rocky was surprised with badgers sudden change of behavior and with his own attitude adjustment. He went from a scary strange visitor to a scared pet that Rocky wanted to protect. Even if he only was a figment of his imagination, there was a strong feeling of friendship that Rocky felt. The little badger was genuinely scared and no matter how Rocky was scared himself, there was a need to help those who were in need of help. Since badger was so little, it was logical to assume that whatever was coming, Rocky was going to be the one to protect them from it.

"The better question would be what is she." the badger said and with his last word, all the ladybugs stopped moving. They remained in their places like frozen or paused in their movement. Clock sound stopped. Everything seemed like it stood still in time... And then she appeared...

A smokey figure with wings so large they took up almost the entire room. She was floating in the air. Still, with no movement and unnatural to remain in one position, but she did. Rocky could not distinguish her face, only a shape, a silhouette.

That small bathroom transformed into something so much bigger. Walls seemed like they were miles away and there was no telling how high up the ceiling went. Ladybugs stayed in their positions even without the walls so they looked like someone threw them all around like confetti and then froze them in mid-air. The creature before them was silent and yet Rocky knew it would not stay that way for long.

There was something trying to creep its way into his mind, something familiar, but not his own. He shook his head and tried to gather his thoughts but had a strange feeling there was no fighting this. Lime he thought, but how could I know her name? Bursts of knowledge came but only in fragments. Flashes of himself in a different place, short but vivid in his mind. It was a mixture of remembering a dream and having a deja vu moment. Frightening but peculiar. He was both amazed and curious at how one part of himself was reluctant to give in and the other was embracing the memories. Both of those parts were him but one of them was not there until just a moment ago.

"B.G.? Look at those wings. Is she an angel?" he reached out to pet the small badger and hoped for some clarification on what was going on.

"Nope, not an angel. Haven't you ever heard of an expression TIME FLIES?" B.G. responded.

This is the beginning of the second chapter of my steemit novel "Into the quantum world..." where all the characters are based on steemit users. To be a part of this novel you need to be a member of @thealliance group

List of confirmed characters:

Steemit nameCharacter nameType
@enginewittyThe Fatherdeity

Images used are either under CC0 license or royalty free, which means they are free for personal and commercial use. The Lime image can be found here and the cover image for this chapter is from https://pngtree.com, you can see it here



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