"Into the quantum world..." - Chapter 1, part 4 - original novel by zen-art

To get all up to date, read the previous parts:
Chapter 01: PART 01 PART 02. PART 03.

Chapter 01. PART 04.

Her skin was soft and gentle, white like the fresh fallen snow, and just as cold to the touch. All humans were cold when he touched them. Their blood was not as hot as his was and the difference of body temperatures was extreme. He liked it never the less. His body was a heat source to them, and the movement of energy from one flesh to another was supreme. They always felt safe in his presence, shielded and cloaked from their lives, hidden from the rest of the world.

She arched her back and clenched her jaw trying to scream through her teeth. An animal-like sound came out that boosted his ego. All gods have huge egos and he was no different. He took it as a personal achievement to give her pleasure. He loved her with no conditions attached, he loved them all. Male and female alike. Her nerves were tingling all over her body and with her heightened senses, she could experience his presence like no other before.

She could taste his sweat on her tongue, salty and warm. She could smell the skin on his neck and feel his body inside her, watch his glorious figure moving on top of her and hear his words inside her mind. Was she hearing them or were they just her own fantasy thoughts amplified?

"Relax... Breathe... Enjoy..." he whispered inside her mind and she was sure of it this time as he smiled and licked the tear from her cheek. Was she crying? Why was she crying? As if he was reading her thoughts, a voice appeared in her mind again.

"Your nerves are stimulated to their extremes. I am not sure how much more your body could endure. You should take some rest."

"Please... Don't stop." she pleaded using her thoughts wishing he would understand. He heard her wish and made it come true. His body started flickering. Thousands of tiny dots appeared on his skin and begun to glow. When she tried to focus on one of them, the realization she had was frightening and almost impossible to handle.

Were those stars? Galaxies began to emerge and pulsate from his body showing her how glorious and remarkable the life essence truly is. The epiphany of what he really was hit her hard and overloaded all of her senses. She passed out from the huge burst of ecstasy. For a moment there, she could feel everything, experience everything. The fullness and never-ending cohesion of time and space. With her last scream, she knew he was the Universe itself.

"Why did you tell me this?" Pebbles asked "Am I finnaly going to meet the Father and you are preparing me for it?"

You are nowhere neer of being ready to meet him." Ary laughed and chirped. He flew of the table and landed on her shoulder which made Pebbles frown. The pain was still there, present in every part of her body. It was like someone was tearing the flesh off her bones and setting it on fire at the same time. She promised herself not to die again, three times was enough and it was getting more harder for her to recover with each time.

All the creatures were probably done with their meal by now and Pebbles was wondering if Ella and Saphire would visit her too or was Ary her only visitor today. She loved that bird in all her forms, as a vulture and as a swan, but the hummingbird form was Pebbles favorite. So tiny and so cute with those fast little wings. It was a delightful sight and she was grateful for that sweet attempt of distraction from her pain.

"A year had passed since B.G. brought me here, why am I still not ready to meet the Father?"

"Did you recover your memory of how you died this time?" Ary asked but already knew the answer. Pebbles was recovering slowly and her mind was not yet ready to untagle the web of events that had happened and comprehend the severity of her past actions. Humans were often like that. They want to move to the next level without making sure the previous lesson was learned.

"I still cant remember. It hurts when I try. The last thing I recall was talking to B.G. in my bathroom back home but somehow know that I have been here for a year. There is a huge gap in my memory. It was like I came through the portal just yesterday but then again, have a sense of time passing and a deep knowing of this place. I know who you are, who Saphire and Ella are. I know everything about this place but cannot remember any of my actions. I remembered my name and that gave me some comfort."

"What do you think your name is?" Ary asked.

"My name is Rocky." Pebbles answered.


This is the fourth part of the "Into the quantum world..." novel, written for steemit that is featuring steemit users as characters. If you would like to be a part of it, feel free to message me or wait patiently until I message you and ask you first.

To be a part of this novel you need to be a member of @thealliance group, read all about it here: Eyes on - issue 13

List of confirmed characters

Steemit nameCharacter nameType
@enginewittyThe Fatherdeity

The novel will be published in sequels once or sometimes more than once per week.

P.S. the images created and used in this post series are first found on pixabay and are under CCO license so they are free for private and commercial use. To see the profiles of people who made the photos click here: andyballard, SpiritBunny, kalhh, Nicman, & prettysleepy

For my recent Philosophy of hapiness posts follow these links:

For the "Into the quantum world..." novel that I am writing exclusively for steemit click here:

For my DIY and craft posts visit these links:


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