Black and White Kitty - Day 79 - Daily Haiku

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Black and white kitty
playing hide and seek for days
make yourself at home

Cori MacNaughton

A few days ago, as I was preparing for Marek's arrival later that night, I was idly thinking that I would like to have another white cat with black spots, as I was missing Edit and Miod, our two black and white boys.

That evening, as Marek and I were sitting at our respective computers, he looked outside and spotted a black and white on our front porch, looking in at us, and said, "Oh! We have a kitty outside!"

I took a look, then went to get the cat some food, with Marek muttering under his breath, "I'm an idiot! I shouldn't have said anything!" He beat me onto the front porch, but the cat took off as soon as he opened the door. I put some food in a bowl, where we could see it from the window, and came back inside.

The next morning, on my way to take the goats out of their stall, I spotted what looked like the same cat, curled up face down in the weeds, near the overlook above the barn. Initially I thought he might be dead. But when I started toward him, he looked up, spotted me, and took off running. I was sorry he/she was so skittish, but glads/he was still alive, and put more food out for him/her that night.

Then I saw no sign for a couple of days. We do have transients, who just wander through and are never seen or heard from again, but I was hopeful this one would stick around. After all, Miod just showed up in our back yard, when Lolo was still a puppy, and this one looks enough like him that it could easily be a sibling or other close relative.

Last night I went to chat with one of our neighbors, and while we were talking, he asked if the little black and white cat was ours. "No," I said, "but I am trying to make friends with him." Russ recently adopted a small female cat, after one of his clients literally moved out of state and left the cat locked up in their house, and he said the black and white cat had been hanging around on his place as well.

I had already put a large cat carrier on the covered porch at the studio, near where I had seen the cat sleeping, and put a fluffy towel inside, as we are expecting rain off and on for the next several days, and I wanted to make certain s/he had a warm and dry place to sleep. So I decided to move the food to the top of the cat carrier, so s/he would be likelier to actually get the food, as on our porch it is more likely to get snagged by Lolo or one of our cats.

Today, on the way to get the goats out, I checked the cat carrier, and was gratified to see a tiny paw print on the white towel, so he had at least investigated the crate. And once I was in the barn yard, I spotted him -- almost on the top of the hillside in front of the studio, where he could easily see me coming and going along the driveway, and he stayed there as I tethered Semafor and made my way backup the hill. And he stayed put as I passed his hiding spot and continued up the hill toward the main house, where I got him some food and water to bring back.

He was still in his spot when I returned, but just as I was getting ready to put down the food, Musica rubbed my legs, and I knew she would get the food before he'd have a chance. So I took her to the main house, and by the time I got back, he was gone. But by now, Lolo and both cats were in the house, so he would at least have a good chance of getting the food himself.

By the time I came back to put the goats in for the night, he had yet to show himself again, but since he has been around for the past five days, my guess is he'll be back for the food come nightfall.

Who knows? We may have just found our new barn kitty. ;-)

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Some of my recent posts:

Hickory Syrup – Day 78 – Daily HaikuRural Internet – Day 77 – Daily Haiku
Birds Singing Brightly – Day 76 – Daily Haiku
My Longest Winter's Ending – Poetry -Photography
Grief Makes Me Stupid – Poetry – Humor - Photography
Cuttings Are Rooting – Day 75 – Daily Haiku
Signs of Spring are Here – Day 74 – Daily Haiku
In Gifts from the Heart – Day 73 – Daily Haiku
L.A. Guitar Quartet – 4 Variations on Twinkle Twinkle Star - Music
Rupert Holmes – The PeopleThat You Never Get to Love - Music
Water is My Path - Day 72 - Daily Haiku


art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

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If you have any interest in becoming affiliated with these companies,
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Dr. Al Sears, well known anti-aging doctor, with his first-class
line of supplements that actually work:

Melaleuca, a company that has been making natural, eco-friendly
products since the 1980s, that not only work as well as
chemically laden versions from the supermarket,
but are safer, and typically save money overall in addition.

I was introduced to them by a co-worker in 1990, lost track
of them, and was thrilled to find them again about a year
and a half ago. I strongly recommend their products.

Prime My Body offers a nanoenhanced hemp-based CBD oil
that is legal in all 50 United States, and clinically proven to be
absorbed 3X better than the leading pharmaceutical brand.
I have used it on myself and my animals with excellent results.

If you are interested in becoming an affiliate yourself,
check out this link:

All words and images are my own.

The first image is the not-so-great photo I took of our current guest kitty, taken from across the barnyard, with him turned partially away from me. I took this with my Samsung Note 8 smartphone.

The photo of our dog, Lolo, and our late cat, Miod, I took as they were cooperatively begging at the dinner table, despite our longstanding rule of not feeding them from the table.

You can see how much that deterred them both. This was probably taken with my LG V10 smartphone.

Resteeming is welcome, you may link to my post from your own website or blog, and you may use excerpts and/or images as long as you credit me, and link back to this post.

Please ask for permission, before using my work otherwise, as all rights are reserved.

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