Rainy Night in Nashville - Original Poetry

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Rainy Night in Nashville

Thinking of Jeff Buckley
listening to his music
to his practiced guitar
and that magical voice

Thinking of what might have been
had he been more cautious
rather than the reckless
sweet fool that he was

Thinking with resignment
of the music that we missed
of all he might have done
had he but survived

Grateful for what we do have
From "Grace" through the rest
From sublime through profane
And all of it worthwhile

Thank you for, and RIP, Jeff Buckley. You, your music, and your sweet soul, are sorely missed.


Interesting, to me at least, that yesterday and last night (now the 31st) we had several of the most the most spectacular, kick *ss thunderstorms we have had since I arrived in Tennessee.

Gorgeous, absolute, major thunderstorms, strong enough to knock a five-foot auracaria in a twenty-inch pot down from its perch, which I now need to repot properly.

Having moved here from Tampa Bay, Florida, the lightning capital of the U.S., which gets the most electrical storms anywhere on the planet short of one spot above the Arctic Circle, that is saying a LOT. I've seen a lot of amazing thunderstorms, particularly in my time in Florida.

This rivaled the worst (or the best, since I actually love thunderstorms) of them.

We lost power NINE TIMES on the 31st. That's a record, for me at least. Most outages were momentary, but at least two lasted far longer, and the last one lasted for about an hour. Considering the amount of lightning striking nearby, I'm pretty impressed that they kept the power on as well as they did, as it was striking all around us, literally for hours.

And the worst of the storms passed far to our north. We didn't get anything close to the brunt of it. I can only imagine how bad it must have been elsewhere.

As it was, our wet weather springs were not only in full flow, but overflowing, and we not only had all four waterfalls going strong, but one had actually almost separated itself into two, giving the impression of five waterfalls. I took a couple of short videos of it, which I will try to post later.

I'm way in late posting this, mostly due to the thunderstorms, as our power kept going out as I was attempting to post. It has now calmed down, and is no longer raining or storming, though we now have the kind of fog that gave the Smoky Mountains their name.

Prayers for those most affected by these storms as they passed through.

This is my final piece for now on Jeff Buckley and his music. I hope that this series has introduced at least a few people to his music, who were not before familiar, and will continue to enjoy his work from here on out.

If you enjoyed this post, please Upvote and Resteem it to share with others!
And I would love to hear your take in the comments.

Some of my recent posts:

Jeff Buckley Lives On - Day 133 - Daily Haiku - Grace for Drowning Part 6, with additional info and another haiku
Growing Up in a Fog – Original Poetry
Jeff Buckley's Music - Day 131 - Daily Haiku - Grace for Drowning, Part 4 - Humor and Running Theme
Jeff Buckley's Music - Day 130 - Daily Haiku - Grace for Drowning, Part 3
Jeff Buckley's Music - Day 129 - Daily Haiku - Grace for Drowning, Part 2
Jeff Buckley's Music - Day 128 - Daily Haiku - Grace for Drowning, Part 1
Laughter is the Best - Day 127 - Daily Haiku - and even more Comic Gems
Lovely Hummingbirds - Day 126 - Daily Haiku
Most Charitable Poetry Contest #1 - Speaking My Truth - Original Poetry
Nashville at Nighttime - Day 125 - Daily Haiku
Comic recordings - Day 124 - Daily Haiku - More Comic Genius


art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

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If you have any interest in becoming affiliated with these companies,
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All words and images are my own.

The image above is of a group of Canada geese in a park in Memphis, Tennessee, taken in 2012 during a trip there with Marek.

Jeff Buckley, who died in Memphis, should absolutely be far better known than he is today.

The photo of our dog, Lolo, and our late cat, Miod, I took as they were cooperatively begging at the dinner table, despite our longstanding rule of not feeding them from the table.
You can see how much that deterred them both.

Resteeming is welcome, you may link to my post from your own website or blog, and you may use excerpts and/or images as long as you credit me, and link back to this post.

Please ask for permission, before using my work otherwise, as all rights are reserved.

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