TIL: How To Be Less Wrong

Less Wrong is a community blog devoted to refining the art of human rationality”.

The other day, while stumbling around the internet, I’ll spare you the details, I found MIRI(Machine Intelligence Research Institute) and learned they are working to make sure we have safe smarter-than-human AI…

And in a similar way, coincidentally, I found out about Less Wrong.

Image Labeled For Reuse

Less Wrong (often shortened to LW) is…

  • A curated community blog…
  • A community discussion board…
  • A source of edited rationality materials…
  • And a promoter of regular meetups around the world.


Looks like a target audience to use steemit to me…

Additionally, if you look at the LW header:

You will notice a familiar logo, particularly that of MIRI.

As the passing hours online continue, we see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Did you know this already or are you just learning about Less Wrong?

P.S. How can we or should we get members of the Less Wrong community on Steemit (or are several here already)?


Written by Michael Paine

Follow me @strangerarray because we can be Less Wrong together.

Donations to PayPal.Me/michaelpaine are also welcome because I can be Less Wrong faster if I had more money.

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