Zoo Visit For the First Time in Life and Family Visit to 5-Star Hotel

Dear steemians,

On 4th March, I arranged a family trip to out of Sylhet City. It was the first time most of my family members went somewhere for fun. But I had a plan to give the best experience. As we are a big family ( 10 siblings ), my father had no opportunity to think out of feeding us. But my younger sisters are our soul and they were asking for few months to go somewhere. I was planning to take all family members at Grand Sultan a 5-star hotel which is most luxury hotel and restaurants in Bangladesh.


They didn't know they I planned to arrange lunch for them but all was really excited to see the Grand Sultan as it is beautiful and only 5 stars hotel in Sylhet, Bangladesh.

I called the hotel to discuss if any entry barriers but they said they don't allow guest just for lunch. If I reserve the room they I can enter in the hotel. It was really upset for all one day before we expected to go. Later my brother called his friend recommended to contact his relative who is a chef of the external restaurant of the hotel. He managed us to enter in the Grand Gultan with a simple pizza order.


My brothers would never allow me to order for lunch if I told him before we go there. I made it instantly when all was hungry after day long journey. They wanted to make a simple pizza and divide and have fun then go somewhere else for lunch. Seriously, it was so luxury and more than I expected. But I took enough cash money and a backup online payment method. Everyone was shocked and surprised while I was feeling so happy. I know it first time we are doing such things. The cost of the lunch was around half month family cost.






I took a lot of photography that day when we were visiting zoo and was on the way to Grand Sultan. I feel financially more solvent because of steemit as the gifted money from my followers gave me more time to think about my future and career.

I am sure you all love the photography and I didn't want to share them separately as all the pictures related to the journey.


We left the zoo with a lot of fun. My sister's children and niece visited zoo so early and I visited zoo after 25 years :D. My parents and two brothers couldn't join us. Among 16 family members, 12 members joined us for the trip.


It was a funny picture taken by my sister when I was imitating the statues. It seems like I am ready to fight as our freedom fighters did in 1971 to make an independent Bangladesh.


We all in the single frame. If I want, such days will come again as big budget means me :D. Sisters now asking to go Cox's bazaar Next year or end of this year. But I don't think it will be possible to take all of them for me. My brothers will not allow expensing as they know how hard to earn money. Maybe I will think about it one day but for now, I am neutral





From Left, our eldest brother who does manage a chicken farm for last 3 months. The second one is a pharmacist and does a job in a hospital, the third one is me and the last one is a politician as well as a social activist. There are many things to share about them. The eldest brother got less opportunity to have fun as he was elder one and had to focus on family when dad couldn't support a lot. I especially wanted to make him happy. He joined us with his wife and his small daughter.

We visited different places later and before visiting grand sultan including a beautiful mosque.


Here is the Grand Sultan 5 star hotel behind me. We were not allowed to enter the main hotel as there were many international guests. And perhaps without reservation or booking no one allowed to enter there. It looks really strange system. My sisters wanted to see swimming pool for a while but it was not possible. Hope another day!


As we were not allowed to enter in the many sites of the hotel so we walked and took some photographs where we were allowed. My sister and her two kids got much fun. She lives in a village but living with us for 7 months for illness.

I am so happy that I made the day beautiful offering them a trip to their expected place. It is more exciting to me to remember the day.

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