Zhang Ye colourful rocks 张掖丹霞


Hi, steemians ,
Today i will share a few photos taken by me with my smartphone in Qinghai province.



These photos are about a trip that I went to Zhang Ye city , Qinghai Province, an unforgettable experience, I always feel that my language is so poor that can not express my feeling at that time. I was so shocked by its beauty and its amazing landscape. This is a strange landform, a magical place. The colorful rock was so grand and magnificient! Everyone will be shocked by its magical and colourful world and never forget it .

这几张照片是我去青海旅游时,在张掖拍的七彩丹霞。这是一个难忘的经历,我一直觉得自己的语言表达匮乏,无法表达出当时的那种画面, 只能用震撼两个字。这是一个奇特的地貌,神奇的地方。那色彩斑斓的岩石,气势磅礴,非常壮观。大自然的鬼斧神工让人惊叹不已,让你仿佛走进一个色彩斑斓的神奇世界。

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