Ancient architecture – lvshun Museum 建筑摄影

Hi, steemians !
Here is my entry for the architecturephotography by @juliank. This photo is about Lv Shun Museum taken by me on the last day of 2017.


Lushun Museum has a long history, originally it’s a bank of Russia and Qing dynasty , and was changed into Lushun Museum in 1934.
walk into the museum and you will read about the development of Dalian's history. Years passed, a hundred years of vicissitudes, after more than a century of wind and rain, Lushun museum with its unique features, to welcome everyone to visit. We can’t forget the history forever!

Category : architecturephotography
Camera : Samsung Digimax i6
Location : Dalian lvshun

这是我在2017年最后一天, 去旅顺游玩拍的旅顺博物馆。旅顺博物馆有着悠久的历史,原为俄清银行旅顺分行,1934年改为旅顺博物馆。

走进博物馆,你就会读到大连历史的发展。岁月留痕,百年沧桑,经过一个多世纪的风风雨雨,旅顺博物馆以它独特的面貌,迎接每一个前来参观的人。 历史永远不能被忘记!
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