Magic Yardang devil city神奇的雅丹魔鬼城

Here is my entry for the colourfulphotography by @juliank.


Open the album, this photo remind me of my unforgettable experience in Qinghai Province . I took this photo with my phone the year before last year in the late summer. Do you think it's a lake or a sea? Then you are wrong. It's a vast expanse of grey grit.

The strong northwest wind swept away the spun yarn on the surface of Gobi, leaving only the grayish grey coarse sand. On the surface, it appeared to have a bluish wave. Those yellow ancient castles stood on the gray Gobi. They became a very amazing landscape.

When you look down from the high, the countless castles are like rising on the rough sea. You must be shocked by them and felt you were too small . This is a magical place to let visitors forget to return and a place of infinite reverie.

Thanks for your reading and don’t forget to upvote, follow@bxt and resteem.

翻开相册,这张照片是前年的夏秋之际,我在青海雅丹魔鬼城拍的一张照片。大家是不是觉得那是是湖泊或是海洋,那你就错了, 那是浩瀚无垠的灰色砂砾。



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