7 World's Continents Photo Challenge – YEARLY WINNER OF 2017 – PRICE OF 150 SBD: vote for your favorite picture - November winner @joythewanderer

Hello fellow Steemians,

I am very excited to inform you that we will soon know the name of the yearly winner of my 7 World's Continents Photo Challenge. It will be one of the winners of the monthly contests of October, November and December. These winners have already gained some 50 SBD (or more) each in the form of the weekly and monthly rewards and my upvotes on some of their posts.

Now, they have a chance to receive another 100 SBD, which is the price for the yearly winner.

The yearly winner will be voted by you, based on the total value of upvotes given to individual posts with the monthly winners´ photos. You can vote for your favorite picture over the next 7 days.

This post is dedicated to the November winner @joythewanderer with this entry:

Alpacas are the cutest thing in Bolivia and South America. I've seen so many of them in North Argentina and Bolivia. This photo was taken in Tuni Lake, Condoriri in Bolivia. It was so calm and scenery at altitude of 4500 meters.

Click on the image for full view

If this participant is the one you would like to see as the yearly winner, please upvote this post.

If your favorite is the October winner @justdentist with this entry:

I want to share this beautiful picture of the Banks Peninsula south of Christchurch with you. We went "Penguin Watching", saw an yellow-eyed penguin and all in all it was one of the most gorgeous day trips during our NZ roundtrip.

Click on the image for full view

Please upvote this post 7 World's Continents Photo Challenge – YEARLY WINNER OF 2017 – PRICE OF 150 SBD: vote for your favorite picture - October winner @justdentist.

If your favorite is the December winner @crazy-daisy with this entry:

In Austria there are a lot of lakes surrounded by mountains and forests. So it is paradise for those who like hills and skiing. This is one of them - amazing Attersee. The picture was shot a few years ago.

Click on the image for full view

Please upvote this post 7 World's Continents Photo Challenge – YEARLY WINNER OF 2017 – PRICE OF 150 SBD: vote for your favorite picture - December winner @crazy-daisy.

Let me remind you that you can vote for your favorite picture for the next 7 days. Then, I will close the contest, count the uvpotes and announce the yearly winner. The yearly winner will receive 100 SBD as the yearly price from me, which, combined with the previous rewards and upvotes, will make a total amount of approximately 150 SBD.

As you can see, there is a lot at stake this time, so make sure you will support your favorite :)

For more information about the 7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge and conditions see my original post: 200 SBD 7 World's Continents Photo Challenge - 2018 guidelines

Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.

Travel Tip: Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape, stunning mix of natural and architectural beauty

ColorChallenge - Red Monday - @axeman in 7 World's Continents Photo Challenge!

ColorChallenge - Purple Sunday - @dmytrokorol in 7 World's Continents Photo Challenge!

Travel Tip: Krkonose Mountains, excellent place for adventure holiday all year round

CEO & Founder of CGH


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