🌍🌴Let Me Show You Around Bali: Indonesia's Magical Island! A Walk On Top of "The Ridge!" (Beautiful Views in a Photo-Follow-Along-Story!)β˜€οΈπŸŒΊ


What are you waiting for? Come to Bali with me, don't be shy! I'll be your guide!

Bali is one of my favourite places on Earth, I guess it would be since I moved here! After years of traveling all over the world, I found this island gem and can't seem to get enough of it! It would only be fair of me to share its wonder with you!

Today, let me share this magical island with you and take you on a walk above the ridge over looking the forest below!

To begin the walk, you can start on either side, I've had a long day (haven't you?) In that case, let's begin on the top, walking into town instead of starting in town, walking up into the clouds, we're going to start in them! Way up here, away from the hustle and bustle of the busy tourist town, there are fields and fields of rice paddies like the one I am standing in here! Aren't they beautiful? I'll bring you to one of our most famous attractions, Tegallalang another day!

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It's a shame the sky is so pale and gray, usually it's blue is a wonderful contrast to the green of these fields! However, don't let that discourage you! This way we won't get burnt anyway! The sun can be a scorcher here! =D

Following the path leading to the beginning of the trail head, you'll pass many stalls like this one here, open-faced stores selling paintings and crafts to the tourists walking by! Would you like a painting? The artists are so talented!


If you live in North America, it might not be every day you cross paths with papaya trees however, I drew on this picture to show you how crazy this tree here is! It's loaded with heavy fruits weighing it down, so the locals have supported it with extra footing so it manages to stay upright! That's a big load with each of these papayas being well bigger than the size of my head!

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Through the trees on the same plot this tree was planted, I caught a woman in my lens collecting wood off the property. I know it's not common for us back in the West outside of movies, but many cultures over here in the East (and South West actually) still carry around a great deal on their heads! Talk about balance and skill! I always admire the women carrying what looks to be heavier loads than I could ever dream of carrying, a top their heads!

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Have you ever heard of the phrase "Make sure your ducks are all in a row?"

This carver sure has ;)

I mentioned before in my last post taking you around Bali with me, to the Holy Water Temple about these statues that are everywhere, you can think of them as guards that sit outside homes to protect them... however, this property had many statues and was in the process of being built. It'll likely be a spa by the looks of it, out overlooking the beautiful views above!


Now that we are up high, here is the sign for the trail! I'm looking back at it, since I decided after beginning the trail that you might want to see it in case you ever decide to come (back) and do this fun adventure (again, on your own!)


Let's go down it together, shall we?


Quickly into the trail, looking to the left, there is a hefty drop off with a rustling river below. Although it's not possible to see the water flowing through all of the bush, the sound of it is tranquil as it sings its way up through the trees! Can you hear the river's music playing?

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Back on the path, many tourists are flocking to see the sunset as it's about that time! Meanwhile, I am sticking my face over the edge and trying to get you guys some idea of the depth of the ridge!

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Here I am, trying to get some evidence that it is me up there on the ridge... maybe even a picture to send to the fam jam, let them know I am alive. Thanks for helping me get this shot- my mom will be really happy! ;)


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On the west side, the sun is setting and my camera hurried to get the beauty shots of the sun sinking down behind the houses on the hills...

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Since I was strolling along, taking my time getting up here, showing you everything along the way, I have burned into sunset time so let's rush back down to try to catch it round the rice paddies! Wait, look! See the woman (with a lovely shirt) bent over the grass. Can you guess what she's doing?

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She's cutting the tall grasses and collecting it! You'll rarely see a lawn mover around here (unless you go to a fancy resort or golf course!) ;) Behind her, something is poking through the trees!

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The sun! We really have to hurry to find a good vantage point before it's gone! With all of the clouds we are going to need some luck! Something beautiful distracted me on my way down... I'm happy my eyes are always on the lookout! Look at this!


From down here, knees in the dirt trying to capture the perfection of this flower, I looked up and the sky was enchanted. Despite the heavy overcast, art was being formed before my eyes! Turn around to see!

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Examine this closely, look up into the sky and see the intense designs the sun was able to show through the clouds!

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Even old Moo-Moo here is out to watch nature's show tonight! (Don't be scared, it won't come over to us!)

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Now, there are dozens of photos of the next couple of minutes because my heart was alive with the beauty of the sun but here are my favourites! PS: Check out the birds flying out of the clouds, they came right at us! I wish I was faster at capturing moments like this!

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Because I love sticking my head into everything, I needed to get closer, and decided to climb this tree in the field to do it!

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Once I got up there, I quickly realized that 1) the tree was covered in some sort of black moss/mold 2) I was surrounded by burs and spikey plants 3) it was not the best view so I jumped out in a jiffy! Good thing too because around the corner was this:

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With thunder sounding in the distance and the cold winds flying up the mountain, I think we should try to seek cover... Maybe in this lovely spa?

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Unfortunately they were all booked up (as they always are, being one of the most popular spas around and for good reason-their location is unmatched!) I did get a chance to hang out and show you this lotus pond before leaving though (the lotus is one of my favorite flowers!)


Well Steemians, there you have it! Near far, wherever you are- now you can say you've seen a bit of Bali! I hope you had fun coming along with me today! I've vowed to get out and see more of this precious island and will of course continue to share it with you!

Sending you love to all over the world, wherever you may be from Bali! Check me out if you love travel, food, stories, love, sunshine, happiness and everything else in between the heart and a smile! It's my goal to inspire a light in your heart and a smile to your face! I'd love to connect with you! Hope to see you around!

PS, I'm aboard the steem-blazing ecotrain! Where quality content comes together with making the world a better place! Click on the train for more! πŸ’š

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