myday #28 - My Girlfriend and I Travelled to the 12 Apostles

Melbourne, the most liveable city in the world, is a gateway to endless road trips and natural wonders. Having lived in the city, one of the places high on my bucket list was to go and visit the 12 Apostles situated on the Great Ocean Road in Victoria.

One weekend Grace - @photooftheday - and I both decided to take a spontaneous trip to the famous landmark so we hoped in the car and took the four and a half hour drive to see the sites. That's what I love about Grace, she's up for any adventure I go on. It doesn't matter if its walking in rain, staying out late to capture sunsets or just visiting new places to see the culture, this girl is as spontaneous as me - which is one of the many reasons I love her.


@photooftheday looking stunning

We arrived just before sunset and the views were spectacular! Our eyes gazed at the towering golden limestone cliffs separated from the mainland by a relentless sea. Originally there were 12 Apostles but overtime some of them had fallen victim to the ocean.

Turning around to see the sun hitting the cliffs was a view I don't think I will ever forget!


The golden cliffs facing the onslaught of the ocean



Zooming the lens in I captured what interested me most



Capturing photos of Grace is one of my favourite things to do when we travel

As the sun set, we sat down on the viewing deck and cuddled to keep each other warm, watching as the last light fell.


Are you a photographer or a traveller like me?
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I'm Leigh, from Sydney Australia and through @steemit I'm seeing what its like to explore @myday. Not in any particular order, or particular time frame but just parts of @myday through my eyes and sometimes the cameras lens.

If you are interested in reading about myself and my beautiful partner Grace - @photooftheday then have a read of myday #0 where everything is explained. If you enjoyed reading this post I welcome you to upvote this article and follow me. Please drop me a comment as I would love to hear from you!

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