Sweet Journey: Memoirs of Malta—Popeye Village and it's crazy water dance party. 在大力水手村的狂欢Party。

Greetings Steemians! I wonder how many of you enjoyed watching Cartoons in your childhood. Do you ever look back at these Cartoons and think how wonderful the world was when you were young, and what it would be like to be in one of them? Today, let me share my experience walking into a Cartoon,feeling the surroundings in 3D and enjoying the colourful backdrop whilst soaking up the sun, and feeling the vibrant energy from this fairy tale place.
Malta is the the furthest south island country relative to the main continent of Europe. It is a beautiful country that has beautiful nature and scenery as well as rich cultural history. It's also a popular holiday destination. Having been to many other European islands, I love Malta the most. I couldn't believe that there was a secret children's fairy tale park in Malta: Popeye Village. As a person who loves theme parks, the moment I found out about Popeye Village, I made it my top priority to visit.

Inside Popeye's House.

Olive Oyl's home.

The origins of Popeye Village In 2014, Robin Williams, a celebrated comedian and comedy actor took his own life due to clinical depression. It is with great regret that he is no longer around because his contributions to film have been far reaching. In 1980, Robin William's played the role of Popeye: a popular cartoon, in it's film adaptation. Owing to his striking physical similarity to the Popeye Character, he was the natural choice for the role. William's also possesses a natural comedic flair which fits his character perfectly. Without his contribution, the film would not have been so well received. Most of the movie was filmed in Malta at this purpose made film set by this natural harbour.

Some still frames from the movie.

Actors full of enthusiasm dressing up as characters from the film.

Me as Olive Oyl.

The Popeye Village was built in 7 months with a work force of 165 people. It's buildings are based on the village as seen in the cartoon and has all the locations frequently visited such as the Barbershop, Bakery, Fish Market and Post Office. The buildings are so comparable that you can almost recall it from memory of them in the cartoon. It's certainly a perfect opportunity to reminisce. After filming was completed for the movie, the buildings were to be disassembled. However due to popular demand, they were kept intact to this day.

The restaurant and kitchen from the movie.

Candy Coloured Mini-Golf Couse.

Me selling fruits at the fruit stall.

Popeye Village was built at one of Malta's most scenic natural harbours. It's waters are clear blue and green as well as very clean. I climbed up a long flight of stairs to the roof top of one of the buildings overlooking the entire village. From that point of view, I could see all of the pretty buildings and their bright vivid colours, under the sunlight, the village looks like a scene from paradise, it will uplift any person's mood!

3 Must-Do's in Popeye Village

Walk into the movie

I followed the map moving from one scene to the next. Stopping at each of the colourful houses, inside there are little games you can play, puppet shows to watch, and museums to see. There is even a little cinema that shows the 1980's Popeye film played by Robin Williams. One of the most interesting activities is being able to wear costumes from the movie and act as one of the characters from the movie. As you dance and sing, village staff will film the whole thing then cut and edit a short film for you to take away with you.

Go out to the sea

Once you get tired from touring the village, you can take a long walk up the wooden planks to the wooden beds and have a lie down. Walk a little further, and you'll find boats that will take you on a tour just behind the village, there you will find even more opportunities to enjoy beautiful scenery.

Beach Dance Party

Village staff dressed in movie costumes will dance away whilst very catchy music is played. They will even teach everybody some dance moves and encourage everybody to dance to the music. It's so catchy that people from all around the village will gather at the beach and dance to the music. Even though it's really hot under the sun, nobody seems to be affected by the heat because of how much fun they're having dancing and playing in the water.
After the dancing session ended, everybody submerged themselves into the beach water to cool off. I had so much fun but needed to cool off too so I joined them too. I even saw some Oyster's at the seabed.
Visiting Popeye village was such a great experience, one that I'll never forget. It's always sad when a day comes to an end and I inevitably have to leave. I really didn't want to! Alas, Malta has so many other exciting things to see, so in one of my next posts, i'll cover more Maltese treasures.
Steemit的朋友们,你们好。不知道在你们小的时候有没有特别喜欢的动漫或者卡通电影?你们会不会有时候很想回到童年,再去感受一下曾经的漫画世界?今天让我们一起真正的走进一部漫画,3D立体的感受在五彩缤纷的童话天堂参加的一场活力十足的盛宴! 去年7月份我来到了猫他(Malta),猫他是位于欧洲大陆最南部的岛国,它有美丽的自然风光,悠久的人文历史,也有惬意的渡假情调。去过了那么多欧洲的小岛,猫他是我的最爱!然后,你们不会猜到,在猫他竟然还有一个秘密的童话王国——大力水手村。我是一个超级主体公园空,知道了隐藏在猫他背山海湾里的大力水手村,我就激动想立刻去。


2014年8月11日,一代美国喜剧巨匠Robin Williams因抑郁自杀,在他演艺生涯中带给我们太多欢笑快乐的时光。1980年的大力水手真人版是他的银幕首秀,因Williams大师本人与大力水手的形象極為相似,并且他的每个细胞都散发着喜剧天分,使得整部片每个细节都笑点突出,得到观众好评,而片子外景正是选在猫他这片港湾里。 这个大力水手童话村是由165个工人花费7个月建成,村内还原了动漫里的真实场景,理发店、面包房、鱼店还有邮局,每个场景都能够起你对故事情节画面的回忆。大力水手真人版电影拍摄完成后,应当地人的强烈要求,这些本应拆除的建筑物保留到了现在。 大力水手的乐园建在一个蓝绿色透明清澈的湖上,我从一个长长的楼梯爬到了屋顶上,俯视全景,乐园里的每栋房子都涂着鲜艳明亮的颜色,在阳光的照射下,如同绚丽得天堂,让人的心情瞬间好的不得了。长长的栈道从村庄延伸到海边,几艘鲜艳可爱的小船在海面上随意漂着。



我们跟着公园的地图一个个景点开始探索起。一栋栋色彩缤纷的小木屋里可以玩游戏、看木偶戏、参观博物馆,小型电影院里播放着80年Robin Williams的大力水手真人版电影。最有意思的活动时游客可以换上电影里人物的衣服,自己来扮演大力水手和橄榄油小姐奥利弗,大家欢快的随着音乐边唱边跳,同时工作人员会帮你拍摄下来之后可以带回家永久收藏啦。




工作人员装扮成电影里的角色,带着大家跟着音乐一起狂欢,大力水手和奥利弗小姐欢快的舞步吸引了岸边每一个人,大家都纷纷在海里,在岸边沙滩上跳起了舞蹈。虽然天气非常热,太阳火辣辣的,快把大家晒熟了,但是一点也不影响大家对狂欢舞会的热情。 当舞会结束,每一个人都立刻跳进了水里,那感觉就像从微波炉跳进了冰箱,太舒服了!最后玩得非常开心,我还在海底看到了Oyster。 最后我沉醉在美丽得童话世界都不愿意离开了。关于猫他的记忆还有很多很多,下一次再继续和你们分享吧。

If you are interested in my other blogs related to Travel please check out these other blogs below

Kissing Santorini's Magical Blue Sea.
Uncovering the secrets of the River Cam in Cambridge.
A visual and literary account of my travels to Nepal!
My 12 hour vacation in Portugal.
My adventure to Tenerife.
Discovering the legend of Hainan.

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