Sweet Journey: One night in the Yellow Submarine. 在黄色潜水艇上度过的一夜。

Greetings Steemians, did you know many travellers no longer choose to stay in traditional Hotels, instead, they choose to stay in unconventional dwellings.

Some people like staying in the Aquarium in Ken Ding for example.

Some people like going Champing (Churches + Camping), the Churches are transformed into overnight B&B Guest Houses.

Some people like to take refuge in retired trains.

For me, I have my own idea where i'd like to stay.. Let me show you one of them!
We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine... When you see these lyrics, does your head immediately recall the familiar melody? This song is from the 1966 Beatles Album Revolver. We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine…

Since the formation of the Beatles, they have been the pride and joy of the city of Liverpool, even after the group disbanded, they leave behind a legacy so deep rooted in the city. Credit to beatlesstory.com

Introduction to Beatles Museum

Since The Beatles was formed in Liverpool, it's only fitting that the Beatles Museum is also in Liverpool. The name of the museum is The Beatles Story and is situated near the famous Albert Docks

Inside, there are many collections of Beatles items, even instruments they personally used and played throughout their career.

This is a reconstruction of the famous Cavern Club which is where they played the most gigs. All in all, 292 gigs were played there by the Beatles.Credit to exclusive-magazines

The Story of Yellow Submarine

Paul McCartney wrote this song, his inspiration was a dessert from Greece called the Submarine.

The song is about a Sailor telling his stories of the Submarine to children. The tales of the sailor were so infectious that the children immediately set sail themselves. They used a Yellow Submarine, large enough for all their friends to go together. They were so happy and comfortable, they even had a band play music for them. In 1968, the "Yellow Submarine" cartoon which was based on the original song, was released to the public. Time Magazine commented that the cartoon "turned into a smash hit, delighting adolescents and esthetes alike". At the time, animation was not considered mainstream, this cartoon helped propel interest in animation and made people realise it's format as a serious form of art.

Yellow Submarine Boat House Hotel Story

The Yellow Submarine House is situated in the Albert Dock. In the cartoon, the yellow submarine and the places it visited were all so colourful. When I entered the Yellow Submarine Boat House, it felt like stepping into Utopia as if I going into the cartoon or the cartoon was coming to life!

On the left, there small size reconstruction of the Titanic Boat House, and on the right, a Hollywood themed boat house.

This Yellow Submarine Boat House is 24 meters long, and was a real Submarine. It was bought by a businessman called Alfie Bubbles and took 9 months to renovate. The outside appearance is nearly identical to the Yellow Submarine displayed on the album cover, when I saw it, I couldn't believe my eyes.

The inside of the Yellow Submarine is designed with Rock as it's main theme, assimilating much of its style from the 60's look and feel. On the walls, they've put the Beatles records, pictures and collector posters all in respect and memory of the Beatles. The colour and design of the walls in the living room are inspired by the 1969 record named Abbey Road

There is even a motorbike inside which was used in the film Quadrophenia.

When I saw the 3D TV, Computer and Wi-Fi, everything was complete. I was very impressed and thankful to the owner for his attention to the details, making my stay extremely comfortable and equally accessible.

The bedrooms are all very elegant and much less extravagant than the living room, making them minimally distracting and a perfect place for slumber.

I really like this bedroom because the windows face the sea. It's such a mood booster waking up in the morning, drawing the curtains and seeing the bright sun shining on the water. If there were Swans swimming on the water, it would be perfect!

亲爱的Steemit的朋友,你们知道现在的很多旅行者在旅途中不再选择住酒店,而是喜欢住在一些奇怪的东西里面? 有些人喜欢睡在台湾垦丁的海洋馆里/有些人喜欢睡在英国Champing(Churches + Camping),就是把教堂变成了 B&B民宿/有些人喜欢睡在美国废弃的火车上/而我曾经也有一次特别的经历。 We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine…亲爱的Steemit的朋友, 看到歌词有没有让你想起那熟悉的旋律?这首歌收录于英国摇滚乐队The Beatles1966年的专辑《Revolver》。 Beatles乐队在一直以来是利物浦这座城市的名片和骄傲。


Beatles乐队的故乡在利物浦,所以利物浦专门建造了The Beatles Story博物馆,它位于著名的艾伯特码头附近。

Yellow submarine的故事

Paul McCartney创作了这首歌,他的灵感来源于希腊一种名叫“潜水艇”的放在水里吃的甜食。 这首歌描述了海员给孩子们讲他当年与潜水艇的故事。听故事的小孩受到感染,也迎着太阳出海航行,生活在蓝色波浪拍打下的“黄色潜水艇”里,朋友们都住在一起,幸福又安逸,甚至还有乐队为他们伴奏。1968年一部以《Yellow submarine》为主题的动画奇幻电影问世,时代杂志描述它为“它获得了巨大的成功,受到青少年和唯美主义者喜爱”。

Yellow submarine船屋酒店的故事

歌曲和卡通电影营造出鲜艳颜色的画面,没想要当我踏进 Beatles歌里的这艘黄色潜水艇,真的能感受到心中充满希望的乌托邦世界。这个船屋坐落在艾伯特码头。在我左边的是仿泰坦尼克号电影场景所创造的船屋,右边紫色的是好莱坞主题的船屋。黄色潜水艇有24米长,是真的潜水艇,后来被英国商人Alfie Bubbles买下来并装修了9个月时间,它的外观简直和《Yellow Submarine》专辑封面上的经典黄色潜水艇一模一样,我第一次看到的时候简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。 客房装修都比较雅致,没有客厅那么复杂厚重,更容易入睡。我最喜欢的是这间床面向大海的房间,早上起来拉开窗帘,透过窗户看着阳光沐浴下的海面,心情好极了,这样的景致如果再游过三两只天鹅就更好了。

If you are interested in my other blogs related to relationships please check out these other blogs below

Kissing Santorini's Magical Blue Sea.
Uncovering the secrets of the River Cam in Cambridge.
A visual and literary account of my travels to Nepal!
My 12 hour vacation in Portugal.
My adventure to Tenerife.
Discovering the legend of Hainan.
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