Hi Steemians,
Today we will be going to Takayama in the Gifu Prefecture. Takayama was approximately 30 minutes drive from where we were staying at Hida Shi so the drive was very pleasant. Takayama has an old town which is still beautifully preserved and is one of the popular destinations if people were visiting the Gifu Prefecture.
今天想帶你們到在岐阜県的高山老街。 高山離我們住的飛騨市大概要 30 分鐘車程。高山有一條老街到現在都是保全的非常好。很多遊客去岐阜県旅遊都會到高山老街看看。
After parked our car, we started our adventure in this old town. Everything was still like the old days with various restaurants and shops along the street.
First we stopped by a shop that sells these nice chewy balls. It was delicious
Then we stopped by the famous Hida beef sushi store. It was winter and there was still a line. Apparently during warmer weather, the line goes on for ages.
之後我們到了在高山舊街很有名賣飛騨牛的壽司店。因為我們在冬天去高山老街的關係,人龍不是很長. 在夏天的時候,人龍是非常長的
There are plenty of shops selling unique gifts
There were also some museums along the way
As we were there in winter, there weren’t people around which made our day really enjoyable.
Tomorrow, I'll continue to take you around to other parts of Takayama
!steemitworldmap 36.1413857 lat 137.2596692 long d3scr
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謝謝你們收看。 請你們繼續跟隨,留言和投我一票 👍. 我會分享更多遊記和其他有趣的 blog.
All photos are taken by me & co in all my blogs/stories unless quoted. 每張相片都是我們自己拍的 📷
Below are some of my previous posts:
Jurassic Plastic Exhibition @ Sydney, Australia
TGIF! Share A Smile . - 分享你的笑容/微笑
Traveling the World #88 (Asia Series) Shiroyama Observation Deck @ Japan
Traveling the World #87 (Asia Series) Shirakawa-go (II) @ Japan
Traveling the World #86 (Asia Series) Shirakawa-go (I) @ Japan
Traveling the World #85 (Asia Series) Watanebe Sake Brewery @ Hida, Japan