Congrats to @tokiya for winning the May 2 Twenty-four hour Short Story Contest

Entries for the Twenty-four hour short story contest May 2

Thank you to everyone who participated.  This was a record week. I got fifteen entries.  Thanks everyone!

Congrats to  tokiya for her story True Nature.  I choose this one because of the perspective the story takes on the challenge.  Also upvote @tokiya posts she is new to Steem this week and could use some upvotes and support.

And I gave three Steem to  calluna for her post His perfect woman.  I liked the idea of a person drawing the same character for years.

Other entries:

 iamthegray continues to make solid solid entries. His post The Demon's pencil is great. Check out the post and notice how he uses dialog. The way he uses dialog moves the story along quickly.

 patriot Tells the beginning of a story, in 2021 his comic characters are wrecking havoc on the world.

 squirezed  as neat moment in his story when he realizes that if his character comes to life he should at least take the time to write better dialog.  His post is called Reboot.

 seesladen Has a very strong fantasy element in his story The Return of Gali. Check out his post.

 pelusa Has an enjoyable story that tells of a high school hacker and his creation in Unreal Reality.

 loreshapergames I liked this story because he wasted no time in getting comic characters into the real world. Check out The Freedom Four

 julietisrael has a wonderful story about keeping a loved one around through the power of writing in Made to live...By my pen.

 princemyshkin tells the story of Mr. Readman a famous comic book writer in his elderly years living in a retirement home.

 azension has an interesting post in The Writual of a Black Magician

 marie-jay Tells the story of the Invisible Superman.

 sonime story touches on the idea that comic book character come to life could actually be very destructive.

 gnomed0 Has a touching story, that by his own admission doesn't fully match up with the prompt, but I'll include it here. V is for Veronica.

 zoropoesia posted an entry, but it's in Spanish. I don't read Spanish well enough to read fiction. But you can check that post out here.

One quick grammar note

I've noticed on a few posts that some writers don't use quotes around the words that characters speak.  They seem to use dashes or bullet points in some cases.

Please use quotes.  It makes your writing easier to read.

For example:

"I need to you to pick up the pencil," said Sally.

As opposed to:

--I need you to pick up the pencil said Sally.

Quotes go around the words characters speak.

Use them.

Please check out the entries in this contest to help support each other.

Next contest should be up on May 6.

Please upvote and resteem this post.  That helps pay for this contest to keep it going.

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