ULOG 9: So how was your 4th? What do you mean the 13th?

We are so making this all about @enjar, the time traveling, game playing, gardening cat because well ... He asked about my 4th and I wrote a quick something in a reply and ... let me see if I still have it ... I do! But I thought, "I'd really like to put some photos with this and then use it for my Ulog."

So I just now sat down to get caught up and lo and behold, @enjar has inquired about my absence. That's so much sweeter than the people who unfollow me because I'm not visiting their every post. Don't you think so? Well, I do! (But that's also for another post.)


So here's my 4th of July!

It was sunny, bright and fire engine hot!

We got up and did yard work from 7am to 10am.

Weeded and cleaned up the little flower spot by our drive, by the road. Funnily, this is Mitch's pride and joy. I never guessed he liked messing with having a nice entry and yard. I think he's surprised too. And "All the flowers came off the discounted, ready-to-die rack at Lowes." True.


Except those two tall, lanky giant sunflowers. They are from seeds! @mariannewest, we may actually get a crop! The row by the fence line is still standing!

And I kind of cleaned up around our milkweed for the monarchs by the creek for the thousandth third time this year. It needs more help again.


Then the mower found yet another reason to quit running.

For a little mini-tractor mower that was left abandoned in the garage, it has proven to be highly repairable and exceedingly in need of repair.

So far there's been an engine, transmission, carburetor, and mowing deck (including the spindles) overhaul. Today it was the gas lines sucking in air instead of fuel.

But it's all good. The trip to the parts store led to a lead on a front end differential, at a near by salvage yard, for our car with 200k miles on it.

And there are some very pretty German Shepard pups there at the salvage yard, too. No. I didn't get to bring one home.

I've been the chef's guinea pig for the rest of the day. So far I've found nothing to reject. Shortbread cookies. Cheesecake batter. And I think a cherry compote or sauce of some sort is underway. Oh as is fresh roasted cold brew coffee. It has to sit overnight. The cheese cake has to also cool overnight.

Tomorrow morning's breakfast should be excellent.

Oh today's breakfast was whole wheat pancakes with a reduced sugar blueberry creme syrup. All made fresh.

(Have I mentioned that most of the time I really love SimpleNote? ok that's another post But mine is stuffed full of little snippets of this n thats. It's also another way I start my posts in one place and move on to another. So. That's how I saved off my reply that was destined to get lost delayed. But, again more on that later.)

So the most important part of the post about the 4th of July was about my Birthday Musing Amusement (on a previous day) and that's what got finally posted in the wee hours of the 5th.

So the fifth just vanished. Something about Sleeping late, Long chats, Chiropractors, Cheesecake, Guinea pigs at the Chiropractors (em Guinea pigs refers to being the test subject in a lab), and wandering around in Tractor Supply to collect mower parts and being absolute goof-offs playing with the gardening supplies (like why didn't they ask us to leave?) because it was just too hot to go back outside. Broken mower? pff that can wait until after the sun goes down!

The morning of the 6th ... hmm ... I'm sure I've mentioned that I'm allergic to wheat (not just the gluten, the whole grain). It's not severe. I can cheat just a little here and there and be okay. I knew I was pushing the cheating cushion to the explosion point even on the 4th when I woke up aching in every joint. You'll notice how well I honored that warning. Not even. Welll ...

I woke with a very very fine rash in the crease of my left eyelid and my eye was also irritated. I also have a bit of trouble with my vision (more, later). So add a little more irritation in and I throw my hands up. Nothing as close as my monitors was ever going to come into focus. I tried getting a little caught up on laundry and stuff (that secret project) since Mitch had been home vacationing and throwing that all out of balance.

By evening the bends of my arms were itching. And I was considering removing my eyeballs.

So yeah. Saturday morning I woke with my eyes swollen almost shut. And the bends of my arms were fully engaged in a rash and my stomach and hips were catching up.

So I went to my doctor's office. So, I spent the next days until today being very very very still and or sleeping. I don't recommend the following concoction to just anyone but I personally am up to 2 droppers of 3000mg CBD oil, two gelcaps of a mix of lavender eo and a protein that is known to induce a relaxed state of mind (I'll look it up if you're still reading and need to know and leave a comment), annnd, two plain aspirin to get my last two nights of full sleep. I'm thinking of adding magnesium tonight because 2nd cup of coffee was at 3pm or so, so I could easily stay awake until dawn.

Today was just a little little bit better. I would show you a photo of my arm but so far my test subjects have all squirmed and immediately demanded to know why I wasn't at my doctor's office. No, no. It's not ripped open in little ulcerated spots. Thank Yehovah* for that! I've been that far with almonds. Pass!

The rash on my arms has mostly left; however, it does look like pretty badly sunburned skin. You know that sunburn that takes you just to the point of blisters and completely and painfully peals off in like 4 days? That sunburn that is prickly like 1000's of little little fine needles prickling your skin? That sunburn that makes you feel cold even when you're sitting in a house that has all the ac turned off and it's 78 degrees inside? Yeah. That one. That's where I am now. My arms, my neck, my stomach, my hips. 1000's of pricks ... needle pricks! behave already!

So but why? Why is my skin now deeply sunburned? I dunno. I do know I think it has something to do with my over the top histamine reactions because a stupid horse fly bite did the same thing earlier this spring. I just did get that to heal!

AND Furthermore ... YES Furthermore! ... but that'll have to wait. I'm going to get the photos uploaded and take that magnesium and go to bed.

Oh but I can give you a mower update. While the hoses were really and truly sucking in air, it was the coil that was really gone out. It's running again. So more early morning mowing come Sunday!

Also, Tomorrow This morning in 6 hours when the sun is up, we're going to try to sit outside with some coffee and watch the dogs run around. I better leave him a note.


So, what about you? What have you been up to? Bonus points if you leave me a link-taxi to your favorite current work.

And did you enter the ulog contests last week? You should have won. I missed them.

Ok rolling the footnotes and Rules and Regs. Yes, Rules and Regs for commenting.

*If you're wondering who this Yehovah is, please read: Yehovah: A detail that shook my religion and changed my conversation with God.

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