Discover a Beautiful Recipe Post Format in Upvotable 29!

How do we earn $20+ a post to share our recipes on Steem? See a beautiful example in @sunshine247's post with her vegan taco recipe here in upvotable 29! In her post, she has 20+ pictures sharing every step of making the vegan tacos along with instructions, ingredients, and commentary. Posts like this add huge value to our community here on Steemit because these are ideal for sharing on social media and finding in Google search! More posts like this equals a higher return for all of us and more delicious healthy food eaten worldwide! I upvote all of the posts included in every upvotable and would love to see your submissions for upvotable 30 in the comments in this post! Share a post written by another author which I accept and get a 10 SBD tip!

How did we create the list above?

  1. @aarellanes reviewed the comments shared on the previous upvotable post as seen at @jerrybanfield/upvotable-28-features-artists-and-poets. Going forward, I will be doing all the reviews of comments myself because I need to be directly connecting with you here!
  2. Posts I upvoted which I found from those I follow and anywhere else I am on Steem are often added to the list. See all the posts I upvote at
  3. Would you make comments here with the posts you would like to see in upvotable #29 here because you will get a 10 SBD finder's fee for sharing a post written by another author that we share? 20 SBD were earned by curators submitting posts successfully today! ANY POST is welcome!

Jerry Banfield with reviews and edits by @aarellanes

upvotable 29.png

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PS: Witness votes are the most powerful votes we make on Steem because one vote for a witness lasts indefinitely! Would you please make a vote for jerrybanfield as a witness or set jerrybanfield as a proxy to handle all witness votes at because when we make our votes, we feel in control of our future together? Thank you to the 598 accounts voting for me as a witness, the 60+ users trusting me to make all witness votes by setting me as proxy, and @followbtcnews for making these .gif images!

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